( the screenshot from NyanPara, one of my fav games <3 )
Welcome!! How'd you get here?
Anyway, this website is currently unfinished ^^
If you don't have JavaScript enabled or the website doesn't work properly, I'll try to make a webpage that doesn't need JavaScript ^^ It'll be linked to here once it's done :3
Here's the arts I've drawn
Some things to keep in mind or not ask me about:
- Do not edit
- Do not repost
- Do NOT use for N/F/T
- Do NOT use for AI
- Do Not use without permission
- Do Not use for commercial or profit purpose without permission
- Do Not trace and/or copy my arts, poses, everything
- My art sux, I know
Order is from newest to oldest
(Replace this text with a gallery)
Character Reference(s)
In this space will be the character references from front, back and side; but it's not done yet, so please check out my draws ^^
I'll speak partially as my character:
- ok, so, first of all, you're allowed to draw however you'd like, but there are some points to keep in mind
- My personality is that I'm shyyy ;w; Some interests are technology (esp retro) and the keyboards; fav food would be chocolate cake :3
- am smol and short ;w; Is 150~160cm short? Either way, yep, am smol, you can draw me normally or as a chibi, I don't mind it
- You don't have to colourpick the same exact colours if you can't or don't want to, but make them look similar enough
- Skin is a light skin colour; you don't need to colourpick the colour I have, feel free to colour with the one you use for light skin, I don't mind it
- I have fluffy cat ears and fluffy cat tail (mumu: the cat ears and tail are fake but they don't want you to know this :3 ) shhhhhh u
- Normal human ears are normally hidden behind hair but you can draw them if needed
- The heart on hair is a hairpin
- The hair is medium size, it's kinda messy and goes a bit below the shoulders
- I have 2 twintails and 2 hair braids (they come from behind the ear I think), and there's also those 2 hair things that go above the hair braids
- The twintails can be either pigtails, long twintails, or those scarf from Sylveon ribbon
- I also have the small strand of hair at the top of hair but it can be omitted
- The eyes are purple but can be brown or blue
- I like purple sunglasses :3
- I'll say this once and for all; do Not draw boobs on me, do Not
- I normally wear a pink hoodie, either with pockets or the diagonal design at bottom; you're allowed to change the design but let me know if I'm alright with it
- There's also the hood from hoodie (the hood has cat ears), and I don't know where the hair goes when I put it on the head
- light blue skirt, the white things I always forget about can be omitted
- I wear bloomers /w\ It's those poofy pants under the skirt; you don't have to draw them
- Stripped purple thigh highs with a ribbon at top; ribbon can be omitted
- This fella (mumu) doesn't really know how to draw shoes so they don't draw them, lol, the shoes are some kind of dark pink or whatever; you may draw them brown or a dark colour if you'd like to
- As for what kind of shoes, anything you think would fit me
- For mascot, they're basically a purple sphere with eyes, mouth, blush, cat ears&tail, arms and legs
- They can be a bit squishy
- You don't have to draw in exactly the same art style
That's about it for now ^^ Take your time and have fun <3
TODO : Simplify for translated language
!! Fan Arts & Cool Peeps !!
The exclamation points are intentional btw
Carrd is vvv limited and doesn't allow me to include links in captions (skull emoji)
For a possibly better experience, check out my website once I make the webpage and add the link to it here :3
(I told you this website is unfinished)
This text will be replaced by a gallery and links and all kinds of things
あきこ @akiwantfood
猫宮Sebastian @nekomiya_sebasu
kurrimomo @kurrimomo
The Will @OwlsWill15
Momo @x_MomoCraft_x
Mayon @M47ns
wawa @wawa_kero and ty albi @Maid_albi
らかる @racal_ra
Mishu Esther @EstherMishu
SEM @sem11ii
Phia Melo @PhiaMelo
Elysia @anemiiko
stratosphere @angelstrats
Emiryst @pancakehamster0 (?)
ハチコハニー @hachikohoney
Dekumancer (18+)
Abacatencio @abacatencio
Sneefles @SneeflesVT
Hina Dogemura @hinadogemura
lav @lavinglee_you
buni @bunipom
Taiga Nezumi @Taiga_Nezumi
Amai Yunnie @amaiyunnie
Squirrel @ThatSquirrelly
SamDreams @SamDreams
lumie @lumiechuu
Momo @x_MomoCraft_x
Shion @shionshark
Sumfurs @sumfurs (?)
Sephi? @/twt gone T_T (?)
BERRY @BerryD444
Fluffy @/twt gone T_T (?)
iubo @IuboVtuber
SpiderShii @SpiderShiiVT
Tsu @Tsu_Foxglove
AppleMilk @ItsAppleMilk
StrawbAriCake @strawbaricakey
Mina Pawffles @pawffles
Momo @x_MomoCraft_x
Yuyun @YumeYumeArt
Avila Rozma @AvilaRozma
Albi @Maid_albi
Cloudy @Cloudys_world
val @lavinglee_yours
val @lavinglee_yours
Post-it Katt @KattThistle
Omega Pixel @OmegaPixelArt and ty Kozuki RIN @KozukiRIN_
BEAM @GGsunbeam
Vixel @Freesialc and ty BubblyQT @itsBubblyQT
BitBunny @bit_vt
BERRY @UsamiBerry
ivy @aivysu
katto @heavenlykatto
MixX @/twt gone T_T
Skisoprenya @Skizoprenya
Aurum Amartis @AurumTheWonder
COPAVITY @Its_CopavityVT
Migu @yokaifroggie
Milky @Milkychocoflan