Year 3 Part 2
From 2023-06 to 2023-04
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- 2023-06
- (2023-06-28 09:34PM)
- More inactivity from me it seems ;;
irl difficulties keeping me from doing things, who would've seen that coming TwT
It's possible I may have to go earlier than expected (I don't expect it to happen tho, but either way, sharing the knowledge I gathered is more important :3 ), so I thought I'd do some things I wanted for quite some time
One of the things that kept me going (or keeps me _from_ going, depending on how you see it) was to finish up with the Soft(ware)List(ing)(thing), a few other lists that came out of it, and maybe some other things. That doesn't look possible, and I wanted to share it (or them, it's many files) looking a little more complete than what it is currently (with my PC being silly and me being a dummy, I don't feel up to continue it at this point). I can't really upload them all here (as they are unfinished, and I wanted to have them here finished ;w; ), so I'm gonna do that _somewhere else_ and link to an index of them once I get onto it. That _fancy text_ was supposed to be a link, but I don't have it yet lol (lateredit: now i do :3 )
Anyway, a reminder for me to >un<comment that part of code from homepage that I was keeping for when I'm going to move this website to somewhere else. I may try to go to Netlify, with Neocities as alternative; I'll miss my settings from here ;w; (I may keep them in plain text somewhere, they're not supposed to be anything secret)
Also, I'm writing this on whatever I said I didn't wanna go back to some months ago TwT I really need a better setup tbh, this ol' thing is getting older and older and feels slower as time goes ;w;
I'll have to add all these News entries to the News webpage _and_ make a new one _on this slow thing_, nuuuuuuuu; it lags when I write on the homepage, I'm writing this in a separate file that I'll try to copy/paste there, it's that bad TwT
btw, I replaced the computer part, but my mental health stayed the same and didn't let me to anything much
I'm still sorry for disappearing, and sorry again if I may do it again; I really don't want this to happen without a proper way to tell what happens ;;
- 2023-06-20 04:07 AM
- I think I slept the other day and couldn't add the things in time TwT Also, I wrote 23 for the hour, instead of 11, lol, 24-hour system confuses me sometimes ;w; From what I've noticed, no average person ever says hour 17 or whatever, they always say at "7 morning", "5 afternoon", "8 evening", "11 night" and others, never did I hear anyone say "at (hour) 20", but they do say "at (hour) 8 (evening)"; idk, just saying, lol
I wrote the wrong date too TwT I did say that everything is all over the place. And I'm not adding these to News because currently it is very slow to get anything done ;w; (and I also need to add another webpage to it soon, nuuuuuu)
_Anyway_, I've added the webpages at Misc like I said I would the other day(? did I say that? I forgot, lol). They maybe not useful _at this time_ (because they're unfinished, everything is), but maybe they will be _some other time_
I forgot scrolling through the text file is so slow TwT it took me some time to put this together
- 2023-06-18 11:16PM
- Currently writing this from someone's phone :3 A bit surprised they let me use it but I showed them what I wanna do (copy/paste some text into some boxes and edit it; I don't need to go see their photos or whatever, idc 'bout dat), so it's alright. I can't use the laptop to do p much anything, it's slow and everything is sluggish; I have no idea how I endured it 1 or 2 years ago, but ig I didn't have much choice *shrug*
Also, I was right that it's the PSU, because it did this thing some months ago, but now I do have to replace it ;w;
I do have to get onto the copy/paste the text, but I'll do that after I'm done talking :3 btw, at the time of writing, I don't have the previous news entries to copy/paste them here (why am I saying that I'm gonna do it if I can't do it??), so if you're reading this and the previous entry doesn't have brackets around the date, gg on being early :3
Anyway, I guess I'm also adding some webpages, which will be linked after this text once I add them, one of them being Misc (finally getting its own webpage after being listed on the menu from frame-view for quite a while) and more to follow:
One of the webpages I was talking about was softlist, which is currently nothing as of now TwT
I do have pointy things at the kitchen and I didn't use them in a way that wouldn't be good for my health, so that's nice. I'm a bit surprised by this, but maybe I shouldn't, the main excuse I got is that I'm way too lazy to do any of that, lol; and there's other ways, but honestly idc enough to do it either. Truth is I _am_ tired of everything, my lack of 'importance' reaction to the PSU not working anymore and taking this long to ask for help to fix it proves it (as opposed to last time where I had a different reaction to it and quickly asked for help to fix it). I don't see the point in anything anymore, but I keep going because what else is there to do? Much time ago I wanted to share my knowledge with others somehow (in the hopes that it's useful), maybe through the Internet, at least I get to do that with these HTML files :3
- (2023-06-16 01:17PM)
- It didn't work as I thought ;w; the laptop with the deformed keyboard
decided to hold a different key and it's not letting go off it. It looks like
I kinda need to disassemble it, but that's not happening yet, so I'm currently
stuck with the old laptop, having to 're-install' the Linux distro every time TwT
And yea, afternoon entry? What?? My sleeping has been a mess and it's doing
no good to my health. I want things to get better ;w;;;;;
All the previous entries couldn't be added in time because I was too tired and
when I wasn't I found out I can't add them because of the deformed keyboard
Whatever I was talking about the past days, I don't remember, everything is
all over the place and I'm still trying to figure it out
Also, before I forget, about finding me at the other places, I'll go back
to them when possible and yes I'll continue RT'ing :3 Hopefully someone can
read this and spread the message somehow. I miss seeing you all and I wanna
see you again TwT I'm not able to stream on this old laptop tho, so that'll
have to wait a bit longer
- (2023-06-15 03:19AM)
- I don't think this entry will make it in time either but whatever; in the
past days I've been unable to do anything related to the webpages and
p much everything. Every single time when I felt I had some time to check
onto things, I would fall asleep because my brain didn't wanna do it and my
sleep schedule is all over the place and I don't wanna break something while
I'm not sure of what I'm doing. So, I don't think I may be able to do what
I wanna do today either, but we'll see; maybe the next day something
will change. I don't remember what webpages I was refering to the
other day(? wait, not day? it's been days since then?? what???), but hopefully
I'll remember once I get to them
Sk: dud, I don't think something's gonna change if you keep doing the
same things every day
Nd: That's why am not gonna do the same thing, I'm gonna change that :3
Sk: You been saying that almost every day now lol
Nd: Ye, I don't have hopes for anything anymore at this point, but maybe
Sk: You already know I don't think much of you, so you don't really need
my thoughts on this, but I'm still gonna be in the way anyway :3
Nd: ok then, thanks for that, lol
- (2023-06-09 04:28AM)
- well then... That didn't go as expected ;w; I did manage to boot into the
Linux distro from USB on that older laptop, but the Linux distro is old and
I can't install/update packages because it doesn't have enough space, so...
I'm kinda stuck TwT I have to either use the Windows on the older laptop (no way),
or continue using the one with deformed keyboard (maybe)
Until things get better and I manage to install it onto a USB drive, I'll use
the deformed keyboard ;w;;;;;
As for progress on things, really didn't feel up to anything in the past days;
I'll try to remember to fix the webpages and add some new(!) ones once
I add more things to them and fix 'em up :3
Anyway, I hope you're doing well, whoever is reading this ^^
- (2023-06-07 05:12AM)
- The laptop I used to write the last entry has decided to deform a part of
the keyboard (it's not noticeable, but many times it 'writes' (keeps a key
pressed) on its own) and I really don't wanna risk anything happening, so
I have to use an older laptop and boot into a Live USB of some Linux distro
instead of having it installed, which means I have to reinstall the packages
each time ;w; or at least until I get a USB drive where I can 'install' it to,
I know there's one distro where that's possible, I used it last year (was it
last year, or another year? I don't remember) and it may still be possible
- 2023-06-02 12:08AM
Y'know how last year I mentioned about how the PSU stopped working and
I might need to replace it? well, it stopped for good this time ;;
I connected it to another socket but it still doesn't work, and it has me
a bit concerned about the future... I know last month (it was last month?
I don't remember) I talked about not feeling like doing anything, hopefully
whatever happened to the PSU won't make me feel worse than I am already
Good news is that I don't have to relearn how to use the phone that I've
been using in that year at least. Currently writing this from some old laptop
that I managed to install Linux in some weird partition setup (I could only
have Windows OS and an extra partition, or Windows OS and Linux OS; I decided
to leave both because this is not my laptop and the owner doesn't need
the extra partition (they're not even using this laptop at all, that's why
I'm 'allowed' to), but honestly this is an 'just in case' laptop, that's old
and can't do much (OpenGL couldn't work, the laptop is way too old TwT ),
so I kinda _need_ the PC or at least something that's not many many years old)
Anyway, just wanted to say I may not be active from now on, or until the
problem is fixed, and if it so happens that the webpages I linked to in the
previous entry are the last 'projects' I do (instead of some drawing), then
so be it. Not saying they will be, it's a 'maybe' that I hope doesn't
come true ;w;
Also, I had to figure out how to add entries again (and fix the previous part,
why did no one tell me it was broken??)
- 2023-05
2023-05-27 01:27 AM
- an update after months of inactivity? Ye, that's me :3 Somehow, I made
lots of webpages yesterday (at the time of this writing), that are not yet
finished, but I'm gonna link to them anyway to make me remember to finish them.
Sk: It's not been _months_, lol, it's only been _one_ month (or less)
Nd: Hmm, Sk is not being an annoyance this time around, instead they're
being helpful(!) That's... unusual ;w;
Sk: I saw you said something wrong and I wanted to be right :3
Nd: Ye, that's something usual for you to do
Here will be the link to the webpages and their names you can click on
to go to them: Imperial to Metric tables, Favicon list, Favicon list again,
Browser Info (incomplete),
some style tests for some weird project,
some incomplete info about that interesting
Flash thing, show favicons from
websites in a table
Anyway, other than that, the situation from previous entry didn't really change,
but I'm trying to make myself still going on despite the situations around
the world... Let's not sadden ourselves tho, make yourself happy with some
'good' news that I'm still here and writing webpages :3 (and being an annoyance,
which can be said about Sk too)
Sk: _You_ are the annoyance, not me :3
Another day I'll figure out how to make the tiny "new" sprite work for these
entries. Might require me to write something extra to make it work, and I'm not
sure if it's gonna be worth it, but I'll try anyway. I was gonna make the "new"
colour into red if the news entry is 14 days ago or less, and yellow if it's
30 days ago or less, leave empty if more. I already tried to do something
like this before, on the "Something
with the NEW icon thing" webpage, but I have yet to make it work
on the homepage (and figure out how I made it work in the first place, lol; I can't just
compare the day (the month may change) and then I can't compare just the month
either (the year may change), so the 'easier' solution would be to compare
the unix timestamp with the current one... which I don't feel like writing every time;
so I'll have to somehow get the date of the first news entry
on the homepage (because that's the 'newest' one) and convert it into a timestamp (which will be its own problem
to solve, because the date is not in its own element and I don't feel like
changing how I do things yet, lol)), and I still have to remember to make
that webpage with the links to useful webpages (because I still use
some webpages I wrote, most notably the "Window Open 2" one)
Anyway (again), once again I have to figure out how I made the news webpage for
a new(!) set of months because last few months have been pretty uneventful for
this website and me because I didn't feel so well TwT (and maybe still
don't feel well, I'm not sure)
(Also, I uploaded this from a different device, so I don't have any of
my website files with me ;w;;;;; I had to download some files that were
on the website and edit them, instead of just editing them because I already
had them)
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