[TODO: screen before title screen]

NYAN°NYAN   Parasol   J

I've decided to do some research, and this game is more advanced than I originally thought... I wrote the page after I watched a video gameplay of it. Couldn't even run it myself at the time (and still can't). This whole page will be redone, and this one will be linked to from it. Stay tuned, even tho it may take a while.
^ 2021-01-12

From what I saw in the vid (yes, I still can't run it...), I think I figured out that after you beat each "season", you can win things, which would be then available at Rewards menu (3rd item) from title screen.
Upon translation of menu items and subtitles, it seems there's quite some stuff available, including (but not limited to?) a screensaver featuring many Meinyans with parasols on the screen moving around (I think), a wallpaper, and some application(s?) that can tell you the time?
I don't know exactly, and we can't get to see any of these anywhere yet... Maybe soon enough, I hope ^^
I told you this game is more advanced than I previously thought (^^;;;
When I get to finish the stages, I'll share some screenshots of what happens, but not the files themselves. Those you'll have to win by yourself :3 Most I can do is showcase what they do ^^

A bad part about the BGM is that... it doesn't loop. That doesn't make it worse tho, but it's kinda bad we can't get to hear it again after it plays once. Maybe that's a good part? Not for me :3

The main character with the parasol (the one you play as) is called Meinyan. The other characters I'm not sure yet, but I'll find out some day and inform you as well ^^

I hope the info may help somehow until I remake the webpage...
^ 2021-06-04

It looks like some of the above is false information...
At the time, I didn't translate subtitles; instead I translated some promotional artwork (and thought it'd be related to Rewards...)
Along the way of research for this game, I somehow found some images that seem to be lost to time... Not photos of the CD, but other (and no, Internet Archive does not have the images saved, only the HTML)
And at the same time, I don't even know if they even exist or are unlockables in the first place
So, with this, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have got myself too excited ;w;

Anyway, the character that greets you at start seems to be named LOCOCO
I think the one in cutscene is also LOCOCO, but the name from subtitle is Spirit King (Seireiou)
I can't transcribe all shown text and subtitles in one go, so I'll do one at a time, and provide my findings on this very webpage ^^
Also, I do no OCR, means I have to draw every single character individually on that drawing thing from gTranslate. You wouldn't do this, would you? That's why I do it for you, and also because I love this game. I may have mentioned that a bit too many times ;w;
I do it that way because text is a bit small, and OCR may get confused ;w;

Once I transcribe the text, we may know what we need to gather the tailsmans for :3
For translated text, I'll do the same as I did a long time ago when comparing text from 2 versions of the same game, the text transcribed by me on left, and translated on right. I hope it's good this way ^^
(that reminds me, do I still have that webpage anywhere, or can I remake it?)
^ 2021-06-05

I did transcribe a part of text after all, but not on this very webpage as I previously mentioned; the amount of things I wanted to try is too many, and I'll get confused trying to piece things together once I get it done if I were to put it all here ;w;
Besides, now you can see it started with a simple table at the end of the webpage...
So, onto another webpage it is

Another time I should fix the title here because it's wrong...
^ 2021-06-06

I have decided to separate that whole webpage into more.
Also, I did some more research and... yes, this game has a story; not only the intro that I transcribed there, but also backstories of each characters that have appeared in other Shisui House's games... (And yes, there's more than this one game) Should I find my way back there and see what I can do?
Whatever you decide, I'll do that anyway soon ^^
Many of the webpages that I was given to check out point to inexistent webpages and images. So... I'd appreciate if anyone can help, or if I can get into contact with the person themselves to help too...
^ 2021-06-10

I've done research again, and I've noticed (again) that Shisui House has released more things than this one (this time I'll list them, unlike years ago me who didn't know better, lol ) ; some of that I could find being

I think there were some books too, but all these may not be easily available ;w;
Anyway, this was supposed to be part of an Extra Play segment... I don't think I can gather the books, but at least I can see how the covers look like, and they look so good that it makes me wanna read them ;w; All of them make me wanna read them. Or better said, be able to read them, because they're not in English, as is to be expected.
That's all for today ^^
^ 2021-06-11

I fixed the title :3
Whatever was there before will find its place somewhere else, maybe
For now, we got colours
^ 2021-06-15

Oh no ;w; It seems I forgot to tell you that I got this game working a bit of time ago...
That means it may get its proper review sometime :3
To make up for it, here is some links to screenshot [1] [2]
You may find more at News webpages if you know where to look ^^
But again, I'm sorry ;w;;;; I can't wait to play more of it tho
^ 2021-07-29

You might have heard (or read, hehe) this name on some crispy old page from another website (or you might not, I don't know; [1]), and wondered what it was. That website didn't give much information about it, but mostly mentioned it as a joke; so I thought it was my time to step in.

[TODO: title screen, with welcome below]

Released by ShiSui House in around 2000 or something[2], Nyan Nyan Parasol is a fun little game in which you jump around and use some umbrella to knock the enemies off the stage. It can't be more simple than that.

I'm not sure if a walkthrough is needed for this, but given that it has quite a bunch of (foreign) text and a number of stages, I might try my hand at it anyway. You may check it out here when it's done.

[TODO: Two screenshots of gameplay]

Controls are simple; you use Arrows to move (obviously), Z to jump and X to fire.
Some testing needs to be done if this is right, and the visual novel-style story needs testing too.

Simply firing at nothing is not gonna be useful, so try firing near an enemy. Upon firing, it'll be transformed into an egg of sorts or something. After it is like so, it can either come back to its initial form, or you can fire again to make it disappear.
Firing while moving will move it across the stage; this way you can rack up more points. Try doing that if you're lucky enough.


Stages are vertical and they end once there are no more enemies left.
Sometimes, stages might give you a cake that's worth lotsa points. I'm not sure what's the criteria for it; possibly combos?

You get the 9800!! cake at end of stage when you hear an SFX during it. I'm still looking into what makes it happen. I think you get it after every 30000GET ?
^ 2021-06-04

On the overworld, "worlds" are seasons(?), and there are 4 5 of them.
So far I've only seen 1 in action, which is the one we're gonna be focusing on today.

Feel free to show Ed this page. You know who you are ^^

[1]: I read the name and got interested into the game. Got ahold of it from someone, and loved it ^^
Upon looking on the 'webs, I've found that not much peeps wrote about it...
[2]: Who really knows... The website is since offline, and I can't find much info about it...
The game itself is all in Japanese (with a few English words here and there to keep me from getting lost (laugh), so at the moment, I don't have much to go from...

Inspired from gaminghell.co.uk
Thanks guys and keep up the work ^^

This page is unfinished
Take me to a more finished one


(below is possibly walkthrough part(?) and experiments)


↑ this text should come after a title screen screenshot.
The character on left says this after the intro finish.

Upon startin' up the game, you're met wtih some options.
They are as follows

I'll have to translate the subtitles too... oh man.
You know what, I'm not gonna do it ^^ I'll find someone who can, cuz I ain't doin' it (laugh

Anyway, after going in How to Play, you're presented more options... I'll translate them at a later point. No.

Ready~~ Start!
↑ this will come after the first stage of each world in walkthrough.

Another title that I intend to cover is Super Nin-e Sisters. Coming up soon

This is apparently one of the many games from Shisui House and Chimes, and it has a story too! I'm not sure if they're connected to one other (I can't read Japanese, and not to mention the game's website doesn't exist anymore...) ; but let's not worry about it for now.

In this game, you're tasked to gather 4 talisman (or something like that), by completing all stages from seasons. From what I've seen, there's no boss, so just completing all 10 of them will do.

A not so good point in my opinion is that after you complete a season, you can't tryt it again... It doesn't stop you from erasing your save data (somehow) and trying again, though.

WebPage originally written some time in 2019

TODO: Add stuff here

Now I would really like to go, please...