
You know, I may not always have a book to write about a game. So here are just some thoughts about them.


Extra Notes
15 Gyousatsu Spirits GPSC PC-WIN 2000s 2021-09-29

This is some kind of fighting game in which you deal damage to opponent by... photographing their underwear? Yep, it's what you read. Simply beating them up doesn't help that much, you have to snap one for it to count
It's quite fun ^^

14 Drill Milky Punch French Bread PC-WIN 2000s 2021-06-14

Drill Milky Punch



Drill Milky Punch, also called as dMp
It is said that this game can also be used as benchmark, and it shows
At any time, the screen will be filled by sprites, and everything will move; so the equipment needs to be ready for it ^^

Game Set!

13 Gal PaniX D5 PC-WIN 2000s 2021-06-14


Another website on the same subject said that there's no English-language website that goes into detail about this game... Wait until you see me :3
And also that the manual is in Japanese. Not a problem for someone like me; I'll run most of the manual into machine translation and try to make it understandable. I hope you don't mind ^^
No link to it because I didn't do it yet, so they're right about it... for now :3
Also, wasn't the game also in English, and didn't it explain some of mechanics in-game? Hmm, I'll have to check ^^
Incomplete WebPage

12 AyuPunch French Bread PC-WIN 2000s 2021-04-16

An interesting take on the Mario Bros game (not the Super one that came out after this one

This is not the only game based on the VN that I forgot the name of ;w; There are more, and I'll make an attempt at listing them some day

11 Hollow Knight Team Cherry PC-WIN 2017 2021-01-28 good one

This one I was told to look into by someone. It is one of their top favourite games, and has asked me to review it. By the length of the game, I think I can fill up a whole lotta webpages full of words ;w; (Don't worry, I enjoy that; like I think I'll enjoy the game too (even though I'm not much into the exploration-type of games and such, but shh, I will not make notice of it for the time being))
Currently, I can't review it because of lack of resources, among other things... But I think the game is pretty good.
We'll see if my opinion stays the same once I get to play it...

10 FX Unit Yuki SaruPro PC Engine (yes, not PC-WIN) 2018 2021-01-28 yes

First introduced to me by [this silly fellow](TODO: make link), FX Unit Yuki is an action platformer game inspired from the times when games didn't let you off that easily. I think I'm going to like this game, so expect a more detailed review once I get it working and going. Until then, it looks promising

9 Super Nin-e Sisters F-Team PC-WIN 2000s 2021-06-12

任意 Sisters

World nkd'splace Nanika × 3 Ready Go!

Nin'i seems to fish for Unyu because he wants to take a bath? Or something like that. This time he didn't hang out in a bucket, it seems. Keep in mind I'm still learning about the backstories (^^;;;

Anyway, it seems to be a rendition of Super Mario Bros, with a music that keeps on going but somehow never gets old
The control handling can be a bit stiff at times, but it's alright, it handles pretty well. You don't have to play with the mouse btw; after you open the game, don't click the mouse over it, use the keyboard instead
You can choose between Nin'i (called as Nanika) and Neko, and they are like the originals, with Nin'i handling as you'd expect, but Neko can be difficult to maneuver
The graphix are similar to those from Windows 98 and earlier for the most part

Something you may not know is that Windows styling (and especially OS-tan(!)) were especially popular around the time this game was released, and that includes Nanika (which Nin'i is from). Nanika is not OS-tan, but was associated with it because it was commonly seen together, I think; both are OS-related, so it makes sense.
Many things were done related to Nanika, but unfortunately nowadays they're few and inbetween... It's not as popular as it used to be, for sure, but it's still there in a way. The software that powers Nanika is still being developer btw, and there's still groups of peeps around it, so there's that ^^

This game is just one of the many things that were done related to Nanika.
I think OS-tan kinda fell into obscurity some time before or after the M$ Win7 mascot, using them for marketing purposes... Seeing that Vista does not have a clear mascot (of which there are several, compared to Me-tan, and before), it seems likely to be around that time it lost interest... I'm sorry to end on such a sad note, but at least Moe anthropomorphism (which is related to OS-tan) continues to be a thing too :3 Gave ya something to look up for
To be honest, I prefer Twin Tail Nin'i (featured here) instead of Short Hair Sakura. Might not be a surprise if you know I like Hatsune Miku aswell, but that's besides the point ^^

The game's pretty good ^^ Has some inconveniences, but nothing breaking

Also, be sure to check out Gaming Hell's article about this too! It may give more infornation than my silly attempt here ;w;

Stage Clear!


2021-08-29 UP
I have found out that the main attraction of the place where this game was originally released at (comiket, I think) is not about the game itself, but it is the experience at the event; which kinda explains this game's quite unfortunate shortcomings...
It's still fun anyway tho

Old from 2021-01-29 as follows
Apparently some sort of Super Mario Bros inspired game.
It has Nin-e in name, you may not know it comes from Nin'i.
What does that mean? *shrug*
I don't know man, these things are beyond my knowledge ;w;
I've been waiting to play this game for so long...

8 Nanikura (taiken) CCLUB PC-WIN 2004 2021-01-17

Similar to Ice Climbers but better (you'll see me complain about it again in future). Upon starting a game, you're presented with a story that we'll skip for now...
Too bad it's just a tryal, meaning that after you beat the first boss, game's done. If we get to see the full version, I'll personally (try to) transcribe the text from this game and Enfai Materia and Nyan Nyan Parasol, all by myself. (Translations not included)

7 Piyoko Shoot ? PC-WIN 2000s? 2021-01-15 Don't call me Piyo(?)

There is no information about this on the interwebs. Or at least none I could find. I tried with Piyoko Shoot, Piyo Shoot, these but in Japanese, variations of these... nothing really showed up. That shall no longer be the case. Unless you count a mention on the shmup forum and a video showcasing it, proving this game is not a figment of my imagination (not that I have any at all)

Piyoko Shoot (JP Name here) is a horizontal shmup (Shoot 'em Up) starring Piyoko from Dejiko... or no, they're from Di Gi Charat. Your goal, like in most other shmup is to advance in the level and destroy anything that comes into your way.

Something that comes to mind about this game is the extremely awesome sound when you select a letter for high score. Seriously

Now there should be at least someone talking about this on the 'webs, even tho I didn't say much about it. At the time of testing, which was years ago, I could only play part of the first stage... But at least this webpage can fill in a hole. Another time we may possibly see Lunaria, another horizontal shmup. Stay tuned.

It is apparently a free game that can be got from the dev's website. I'm not going to link to where I found it. Spend an hour searching and find it yourself, like I did, no one helped ;w;

What? An incomplete review... What is this, your website? Get me back to the index.
(This was previously intended to be its own webpage)

6 Full Metal Sister Marilu Shisui House PC-WIN 2005 2021-01-15

This is simply an awesome game

5 Cirno Climbers Kamo PC-WIN 2010 2021-01-15

Apparently similar name, but no, this one is similar to UkaSma
(This one or the other? At this time I can't check, so I don't know /w\ )

4 Cirno Climber Kamo PC-WIN 2008 2021-01-15

A better version of Ice Climber on NES

3 UkaSma EX micro dream studio PC-WIN 2004? 2021-01-15 yes

This is a game similar to the one where you beat the opponents up to a certain point and make them leave the field.
This one has support for additional custom characters and stages.

2 Enfai Materia D.C.S. PC-WIN 2002? 2021-01-15

You may know me (or not), but I have a weird itch to like playing fighting games for some reason. This is one that caught my attention because it makes use of Ukagaka.

1 Khimera Suits 'n' Sandals PC-WIN 2016 2021-01-29

Awesome game overall
Incomplete WebPage

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