last update 2021-06-14 for add link
2021-06-05 for colours
text last written 2021-02-05

TODO: Title Screen

Tobari and the Night of the Curious Moon

Yes, that is quite the title

Sk: Oh boy, this is gonna be weird. So, this dood--
Me: Hey!
Sk: person, whatever, they didn't even run this game and think they can talk about it.
Me: Correction, I did play through it a long while ago until World 3 (or 2?), then gave up for some reason, and later couldn't access the deice that had my save, so I have to start over, but I won't do so as of now.
Sk: Still, you're gonna talk about it after watching someone else's vids on it... But why?
Me: Why not
Sk: Of course...
Me: My memory of playing the game back then is foggy, and someone else's gamepaly can help me remember, and does good for placeholder screenshots until I get my own.
Sk: Oh no, don't tell me you gonna screencap videos now...
Me: Until I get my own, I kinda have to; unless you want to, y'know, imagine what I'm refering to...
Sk: Nah, I think we good. Also, pretty sure you'll forget to screencap anyway, but whatever I guess. Now I'll go
Me: Phew, that took some...

I added a link to an (incomplete) index. How long did this take me to do? 4 months? It takes me a load of time to do things... the usual ^^
Me: Also, I won't screencap videos, Sk, I plan to play this myself
Sk: Yea, yea, we'll see how that goes
^ 2021-06-14

Hi there reader and/or fellow peeps who somehow found this cave on the 'webs...
This is supposed to be a guide, walkthrough, review, whatever you wanna call it, about Tobari full-name (TODO: JP Name) from Desunoya (TODO: JP Name)
It is an action platformr with Kirby-like mechanics in which you can have the baddies' power from using the staff on them.
Desunoya has got quite an arsenal of games on their disposal, with this not being the first, and not the last eiter.
There is even a sequel in the works (if not, it was already released; will have to check and change this bit of text)
The game is sometimes credited as being "made by" Sekai Project, but that is a little incorrect. I think Sekai Project provided the English Translation and made it available to the west, the game itself was developed by Desunoya.

With that out of the way, following should be the guide or walkthrough (or whatever, a link to either of them maybe) from beginning until where I could make it, and a few thoughts about various parts of the game.

I'll tell by now, these contain spoilers, so please be aware.

Please enjoy, and I hope it is useful :heart:

Here you have the link

This page is unfinished...
Let's go see another
I had enough of that. Lemme go home