Tobari and the Night of the Mysterious Moon

World Map

We're at the world map! The first one, that is; there are many more to come.

Empty dot, followed by the first stage

It seems we start on an Empty dot that we can't go to; but it's alright, this teaches us how to navigate around the world map. So, let's go to Right and Action key!

Stage 1

We got some Tobari naration going, that I won't transcribe yet. I'll do so once I read the story (also from the manual) and add my thoughts on it.

For the first level, we can test the mechanics. Let's start with pause menu, we'll take a look at it quite a few times.
The bottom shows the current magic in use, but we currently don't have any, so it shows Nothing.

Can't use it for much!
Give things a whack to get medals♪

There we go.

The white bunnies that wander around, and many of the guys, give a coin when whacked (sometimes, it's needed to do it several times), but they can also be jumped on. It depends.

Those star blocks contain coins, and a heart.

Part of HUD

The heart is part of the health system; most of the time you have 3; when you have none left, it's one life less, and back to check-pointo (if you have one) with you, or start of stage.
I don't know for sure what happens when you have no lives left (how can you accomplish this?), but since the stages always save after complete them, I think it'll be like a continue with number of lives and coins like beginning.
That said, we begin with 5 lives and 100 coins (yep, not 0)

Do note the game is paused when a character speaks (like Tobari earlier), but not when you talk to a rabbit, for some reason; so keep that in mind ^^


Of course your advice is useful; that means less work for me :3 (nah, just kidding, it's the opposite), and yes, a rabbit that doesn't hurt when touched is good to have as friend ^^
The message box appears once you're in front of them, no more action needed. To dismiss, simply move away ^^
And that's what we're going to do ^^

That one

To the right, there are some platforms, on which we have the first magic user; one with Fire. Give 'em a whack, and we have Fire.

Shoot balls of flame
Maybe they'll burn things up?

Yep, with Fire, you can shoot in front and turn 'em into coin

Once you have a medal selected, you can either Make Use of it, Switch to another, or Remove it

Part of HUD

I think now it's a nice time to introduce that you have 2 slots to where you can get magic to. If you have 2 slots filled, and you get another one, it'll replace the one that's not currently in use. So make sure you know what you're doing ^^

Can't seem to reach the moon

On the left there, you can jump and notice we have a moon at top, with seemingly no way to reach. Jump from moving platform to that flying bunny still does not reach it...

Tried to jump from platform

But it's not problem, we don't need those, they require quite the challenge sometimes. If you'd still like to give it a try, check out below, I'll go in some detail. For now, let's leave it there ^^

To the right of these, we have a rabbit


who talks about what I just talked about Medals earlier...
But yes, the fellow in front (not the rabbit) can give you Ice.

Encase things in Ice!

That you can use to turn things into blocks (that you can step on, that may come in handy)

One is not like the others

Next we have the Check-Pointo, with some ledges to climb on. One of those broom-wielding fellas has a different colour, hmm, I wonder
Maybe, but not now

Assault Broom
Soar straight
like an arrow!

Then we have springboards, and some blocks. One of them contains a star that gives you 1UP (it's written on it)

Some coins and more of the white bunny fellows

That one

Then we have this guy with charge blaster (or whatever it's called)


After this, there's the GOAL. It's not a flag pole, so it doesn't matter where we land on it.


If you have at least 1 medal, you enter slot machine and can win various reward. I'm not sure if there's any difference if you have 1 or 2

That stage dot turned Pink

Now we're back onto the world map, and the stage we were in has now turned Pink, and we can go to next stage

How to get moon
You remember how I mentioned the fellows with brooms? They were near Check-Pointo.
Go to there, and give a whack to the yellow one; then make your way to the platform at start.
From the right of the platform with coins, jump onto the flying thing, then fly with the broom, and there you have it.

Like I told you, you may not need them now, but if you happen to read this later in game, maybe now it's the time ^^
Do note that you need to complete stage for these to count; so you may have to try and get them anyway if you can, so you won't have to complete stage again later. But it's your choice ^^
You can either go down from left or right
Once you complete level, it is yellow with moon on world map.

So let's go to next stage

Stage 2

And here we meet a rabbit


The vines
No vines

That gives me an idea about those vines on the left; so let's get Fire, and get on burnin'
That worked :3 and we get some coins and 1UP; nice

Oh nice, we have moving platforms again ^^
But be careful to not fall below the 2 platforms there, because there doesn't seem to be a way back up.

Well, I fell, and I can't get back up

The springboard doesn't give enough height

After some interesting block formation, there's that fellow who apparently launches thunders onto the ground

Call down the thunder

And then someone who shoot arrows

Magical Arrow
Charge up and...
Shwip! Fire!

Charge is a word of note.

That goes down pretty fast...
Speeeeeed (may take some tries to capture it)

If you simply press the button, the arrows won't go far. But, if you hold it, it'll go further.

And now we have a door, with a helpful rabbit telling what to do to enter
So, let's enter.

After enter, we have a rabbit


that details what I talked about earlier with switching medals... (I should've played this more before writing ;w; ), then a fire-user and... whatever the other one is, let's see

Light and airy as the wind!

Not enough to jump over the GOAL

With it, you can jump higher and fall slower. Maybe not useful for now, so let's complete stage ^^

How to get moon
After the door that leads to GOAL, there are 2 magic-users. You'll need Wind, then jump onto the other, to go above the GOAL. Congrats, you get some coins and 1UP, but also a door; let's go to it
We're back to previous room. Now remember how I told you earlier to not fall down the 2 platforms earlier? That's where we're going to
On the way there, get the Fire medal if you don't have it already.
To the right of the second platform is where we're heading. Use the Fire onto the vines to get the Moon, and then jump on the springboard with Wind.

Stage 3

At the next stage, we have a switch, and a helpful rabbit who tells us what to do with it.


There's the switch and the blocks and the coins
And now the blocks are filled

So, you see those blocks below the coins? Give the switch a whack, and the blocks are now filled, and you can walk over them :3 (you could simply jump over them, but it's alright, we're learning)
After that, there's another rabbit



who details what's besides them.
That's a shop where you can use the coins gained from stages to buy stuff :3
So, let's give it a visit

Description of item here
Exit Shop

(Irasshai mase)
There we have some selection.

There you can see it

If you have enough and buy something (Arigato gozaimasu), it pops out of shop to collect it ^^ (Mata kite kudasai)

Magical Sword
Give things a SLICE
Mash the button for a combo!

And then we have some chubby fellows that give us Ball.

Boing! Boing! Boing!

It can get out of control, so let's switch from it.

The door in case you missed it

At beginning of stage, above we saw a door; so let's give the switch another whack, and make our way towards the door.

Those guys come quickly towards us

Here, get ready to jump or action key ^^


Oh right, did I mention this before?

Anyway, there's Fire and Ice to be had if you need some
Be careful of the birds that spawn more birds
At the end of room, we have... whatever that is, that makes smaller

Do you like
little Tobari?

Sure, I like her. Let's go to door, back to where we were.

We got 'em

After the chubby fellows, there is a path that we can take by make use of Minimum medal, so let's do so.

I can't reach it with the staff

Next there is a switch stuck out of reach that would likely unfill those blocks... I don't think we have something that goes through blocks yet, so it doesn't matter for now.

There we have a rabbit besides the Check-Pointo who details it


Let's relax on the platform

Then there's a platform that calmly goes by the lines. So, just make your way to where it goes ^^

We use Minimum to fit

To get those coins from below, I hope you have Minimum medal ^^ But wait, there is 1UP to the left there? Is not that place unreachable? Heh, whatever, we have plenty;

Wait, how to go there?

let's clear the stage then ^^

How to get moon
At beginning, there is Shop, then get Sniper from it
Hold the magic key
and aim reeeal carefully!

Then go to door, and get Minimum from it.
Now onto the enclosed switch; you can use Sniper on it :3 Let's do so, and switch to Minimum, then fall below the blocks and to the Right.
There we go. Make some jumps, and we get the moon.

Stage 4

Those blocks disappear after you go on them

In this stage, we have some of those ice blocks that disappear some seconds after you go on them

Can't seem to do much to them yet

And we get a switch :3 Don't need to go on left and to top, because there are some vines that we can't do much to
So, let's go back

Let's jump with the bunnies!

Those blue bunnies jump once you jump ^^

Also, don't sit too much on the ice blocks. As I mentioned, they disappear


There is a yellow bunnies that seem to be dangerous

And then, we can get Fire; that might be useful ^^
There we have a shop

Description of item here
Exit Shop

and a rabbit besides what seems to be a different door than what we previously had...


That door has something different to it...

So, let's get ready and see

Oh man, this is different...

We got CG

We have cutscene

Now that's a big bunny

And we don't get to battle who we encountered, but something differently. I think she is too difficult for now ^^

Yep, you use the magic to it

And well, it was easy. Let's go to door

Some platforming, and there seem to be coins below the Goal... that I think we can't reach, so let's clear stage instead

Secret Exit
At beginning, I told about the vines above, and Fire later
Make your way onto there, and make sure you leave enough ice blocks to come back. While you're at it, get the Broom too
Go to the vines, and use the Fire on them. At end of platform, the arrow points to down, but let's go to right instead, and use Broom to fly
There you go, that's the secret exit :3 It has a different colour to it
It takes us to Shop on World Map

How to get moon
Like I told about the coins below Goal, go to there with a Broom, so that you can reach them.
There after that is some coins and the moon

Stage 5

On next stage, we have some Ice, and a rabbit besides a ladder


The ladder, and nothing to the right

Ohh, it seems we can climb it. We didn't have these before, did we? Maybe we did, but I didn't notice them ^^
On the right, there is not much, so let's climb it

That's a fire jet, dummy
And now it's no more

There is a torch that we can use Ice on.

After that, there's a rabbit


So, they're not torches? Heh, I'm not good at words ;w;
But yea, they're dangerous indeed, and Ice is cold, so we can use that on them

There's this guy that makes sparks that go 'round blocks appear

Ground Spark
Follow the Ground!

The ladder, the checkpoint, and the door

And then we can't go elsewhere other than down, to the ladder and the door, so let's get to it

Oh man, that's an autoscroller! Let's be careful

Then there's a platform that falls after jump on

And those bunnies that jump

And a door; after go in, there's Goal, stage is clear ^^

How to get moon
Make sure you have Ice and Spark
After the door, at Goal, there are some jumping bunnies
Use Ice when close to Goal and in air, then jump over
Then use Ice on those fires at bottom, then shoot a spark when on top, then wait until it hit switch, to jump onto the blocks, and get to moon

Stage 6

It seems that's a cave

Here we have the Thunder fellow, and what seems to be a cave from where bunnies appear. Give it some shots, and get some coins ^^

Hmm, that fellow with bouncing ball does not seem to give the power

Air Bound
Double jump
through the air♪

Ohh, that's double jump, and we do it from action key... Can get confusing, but it's alright ^^

And then there's a door, and some moving platforms

After that we have a shop

Description of item here
Exit Shop

And a different door, oh man

Alright, now it seems we can play with her, not the bunny we had earlier
And yep, she's difficult, like I thought

Well, make use of what seems useful; I'll add more to this later ^^

How to get moon
You may need Wind
A bit after the beginning, there's those fellows with broom.
While use Wind, get them to the left and jump on them; moon is somewhere at top

World Map

After that, we get a dot with Next World on it! Oh boi, does that mean...

Let's Go to World 2

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