For now this is Under Construction
It is meant as a test to see if the embed thing still works
In the meantime, check out other website(s) :3
Not much else at this time ;w;
TODO: More to be added
Edit from the future :3
Here is the lastest entry from the News webpage ^^
(another) Edit from the future
Currently trying to copy webpages from the old website onto here, and maybe
update a few of them
Here 's a list of some webpages that should contain lists, but currently
don't go anywhere,,, (hopefully this changes soon ;w; )
This webpage you're reading this text from might be different at a later time, but knowing me, that won't happen until many years have passed, or not even then, I never know ;w;
Menu or look around
Thoughts from the future: Y'know, I should add some links to some useful webpages :3 (ks: but isn't that something you already done on "The WebPage that will replace this maybe"??) Oh right, I kinda forgot about that one,,, hmm,,, but that is a list of webpages that go to other lists,,, I kinda wanna have a list that'd go to specific webpages :3 (ks: I see, well then, get onto it) Not now tho, it's just an idea for now ^^ (ks: ofc you never do anything XD) oh you, I wouldn't expect any less from you (ks: That's me and what I do :3 )
since 2024