Welcome to the zone

The MuraSora Zone

by @YumeYumeArt, Thank You!!
Decided to split things into multiple webpages lol, also totally didn't just copy
the title styling from
a previous webpage intended to be a homepage, no-no :3
Following this text is a paragraph with things contained in this website,
after it is some silly attempt at making a menu based on it
I don't know what I'm saying tbh, I may edit this later with other info,
but until then this gotta do
go to see
the previous homepage or
the news/diary webpages
TODO: Replace and add the paragraph with links here
- News
- Lastest update

- Previous update

(This is the same menu thing copied from
the previous homepage, currently unchanged ;w;)
Need to add to menu: flashpoint thing, softlist, oldshell + Windows Classic "Theme",
also colors for it, how I run games on Linux, how I know of Touhou, Guestbook, Questions and Answers (temporary), GTA mods I use
Also need to add links to the other homepage somewhere,,,
Note for me, make some 'buttons' out of the links and put them
somewhere more visible, keep the menu for explanations ^^
On a side note, maybe change everything again lol
Menu or look around
- Useful webpages ^^ - hopefully these are useful, they may also be
found in some of the lists below, but I wanted to have easy access to them, y'know
- Places to find me at - idk,,, I juggle between them many times ;w;
If you're expecting a 'pretty fast' response, there is none of that so far,,,
If you're interested to see what I do and post about, you're in right place ^^
- musozo talks about games - This is maybe what you're looking for ^^
- Some writings - sometimes I write quite a bunch, and I'd like to
keep it in some place for later reference and such
- Things I am or was looking for - y'know, in the past I was all about
collecting software, ukgk, digital art pieces, and so much more; I plan to
list at least a few of those things I _was_ looking for in the past, but
wouldn't mind to see it found even after all those years ^^
- News or Diary - I'm supposed to write about what I've done on the website,
but I may also talk about what I've done outside of it ^^
- About and
Contact - one is for about me, in case anyone even cares
because I kinda don't tbh; the other is to contact me if you need to
- Links! - External links at that! Y'know, the kind of links that go outside
of this website, the ones that I'm not responsible for whatever happens to you
after you click on them, that kinda links :3 but nah, I can't guarantee anything
that happens days after I listed them on there
- HTML/CSS/JS test things - some of the things I make use of in the webpages
were originally here ^^
- Misc - these things need to go elsewhere tbh
- Arts - I draw :3 not that well, but still
- Fan Arts - others have drawn my character and they're all so very good ;w;;;
- Character Reference - Here you go if you wanna do it too ^^
- Art Commission TOS - I may draw for you for something in return ^^ Currently
there is nothing here, but maybe soon maybe maybe
- Games I played on Stream - here's a list of games I played on stream, with
playlists to VODs (hopefully)
- SiteMap - I'm not sure how to do this but it's here
- Old things I wrote,,, -
I wrote many of these things when I was a bit different mentally, so please don't blame me for it

since 2024