How do I know of touhou

the usual

or where does Mura know of touhou

Is difficult to explain, I don't remember exactly and I'm not so sure, but I'll try ^^
ok that was a disclaimer, now onto my attempt at telling a story

tl;dr: I don't know exactly, but a few events led one to another and here we are ^^

Prologue (click to show/hide)
This is kinda exactly what it looked like ^^
Long long time ago, late 2000s I was into playing Super Mario Bros on a Famiclone with a Sega Megadrive shell (it's the system you know as NES, worked with famicom cartridges (famicom is japanese NES, this one has smaller cartridges), and I played with Genesis controller; quite interesting setup now that I think of it)
anyway, at the time I was pretty new on the Internet, and I wanted to not play from the controller anymore (the whole thing was second-hand, and the controller was,,, not the best experience, to say it nicely ^^), I wanted to play from a keyboard instead, so I looked up how to play it on a computer and I found some things. Somehow along the way I also found about Super Mario World (not Bros) and that it was a separate thing I've not played on Famiclone yet (I would've loved to play SMB3 also, that game is pretty cool :3 ), so I looked into it too. I remember I figured out how to edit the game and do some levels, but they're so old now that I don't assume responsibility for them :3
Inacurrate depiction of the wallpaper, but it's cirno, that's what matters ^^

Oh right, this was about touhou,,, well, y'know, at some point I saw someone doing challenges in Super Mario World and used annotations as subtitles, I decided to check their channel because they are cool, and back then youtube allowed you to set up a background, so they had a wallpaper of Cirno as wallpaper ^^
Another time they have played a modification of Super Mario Bros called Final Strikyu where you played as Cirno
I also knew about Baka(9) even then
and they also played some Touhou flash games
I don't quite remember what got me into wanting to know more about the series, Touhou was and still is kinda everywhere; some games related to it that I've played are Super Marisa Land and New Super Marisa Land, Super Marisa World, Touhou Rhythm Carnival, and maybe more
I think it was also the music, some custom Super Mario World levels (yes I was much into that Mario game at that point) had music from touhou

typical day in touhou play, you kinda have to dodge almost everything, and everything moves

At some point after Touhou 16 released I got it too and tried it, but failed,,, I was not good at shmups (still am not), I couldn't go past stage 1 and I had no idea how to use the spell or whatever I thought it was, and I played on Normal (not Easy), because Easy was too easy. but I like shmups, idk why for sure, another game I like is Graze Counter, these kinda games just relax me somehow
but(!), I don't like any kind of shmup, for example I don't like the ones that change the game along the way with shops and such (I like to play the games in which they have the stages always in the same way, not in a way that after you beat some stage in a certain way you can purchase extra lives or whatever powerups, nah)
I have a preference for the cute shmups tho, if it has cute characters I'm going in :3 the touhou shmups happen to be exactly what I'm looking after

another one of my fav shmups, this one is graze counter

Currently as we stand, I wanted to play the Touhou shmup games on livestream (and try to get better at them) for quite a long time; what first started as something intended as an April Fools joke (the joke is that I was good at the game, it's a joke because it's not true) and something to do when I didn't feel like doing Taiko, NSML, or GTA, has now turned into me wanting to clear (almost) every game at least at Normal difficulty with at least an extra life left (the extra life left doesn't make much difference, if you clear with no continues you get the same ending no matter how many lives you got left, but I like a challenge, y'know ^^)
I honestly didn't expect so many peeps to look up to what I do and have never prepared for such a reception ;w; I always saw myself as someone in the corner and playing for themselves (similarly to what I've experienced in school but I'd prefer not go there), is nice to know that I'm not the only one watching and that some peeps actually like watching, it means a lot ;w;;; reminds me of older times, I was playing for myself back then too, no one was watching me play but I was still playing in case someone wanted to sit back and relax ^^ That is still my intention with what I do and it feels like a dream come true ;w;;;
On that note, kuro the helper of this writing, and mura who is playing, would like to thank you all ;w;;; thank you again, thank you for the support, and thank you for having a good time ^^
we are sorry we can't always do good at the game

I'm sorry if it doesn't answer the question for where or how I know of the game,,, tbh it's been quite a while, and details are not easy to take out of my mind that always forgets and misplaces memories (I don't know why it does that, I thought it has enough storage space ;w; I wish there was a way to get rid of memories that I don't need but heh), so some things here may not make sense or are left unexplained, I'm sorry for that ;w;

Thank you once again, thank you for reading ^^

Post-note: at least a person has asked me something along the lines of how I know of this series, and I never knew how to answer and instead proceeded to unknowingly embarass myself ;w;
there was also something about the story, and my honest answer to that is I don't know, I don't think much of it,,, I don't play games for the story, it's nice to have but idk, I wanna do the gameplay and I like to move in the stage
that person with the annotations is still around and still does the videos, I can't thank them enough ;w; I remember them being so cool along the years and don't seem to have changed much (which is a good thing in this case) they've stayed cool >w< (yes I said cool because of Cirno who is also cool but it's the icy kind of cool, in case you was wondering ^^)

written by MuraSoraZone (and kurosora) some time in 2024-07

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