Year 2 Part 1
From 2022-01 to 2022-03
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- 2022-02
- 2022-02-02
- As for where Sk is... I don't know, I really don't ;-;;;; I think these last
few months have been difficult, but I really hope they're doing alright and
can come back soon ^^
- 2022-02-01
- There we go, I figured it out; but I'm going to move soon, so idk
Also, for some reason, I wrote 2021 instead of 2022 in the previous entries,
but only now I noticed... I knew this would happen at some point, lol
- 2022-01
- (2022-01-31)
I'm sorry, I was unable to update the website; not only I've been trying to
set things up to stream and didn't have much time for website, but recently
I couldn't connect to the backend to upload files... I've been working on
moving it elsewhere. Hopefully you can access it now at the new address ^^
If not, it's not ready yet, but at least I somehow managed to upload this
on the old address. I'm still looking to move it elsewhere
- (2022-01-27)
Hi there ^^ I finally have a PC that doesn't lag and melt and I could stream
with ^^ Unfortunately, it left me broke ;w; I have no moni left, the little I
had was to be spent on the PC parts. The good news is that I can
[finally](nyanpara) [play](nsml) [these](tobari) [games](khimera)
without lag and the laptop fans going wild (because I'm not on a
laptop anymore :3 ). This means I can write more webpages! or at least
I hope I can ;w;
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