Year 1 Part 4
From 2021-10 to 2021-12
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- 2021-12~
- 2021-12-23
- I didn't forget about the website yet, but it's kinda difficult to find time for it nowadays... especially now that I actually need a PC. If you'd like to help, please do; I wanna write about games again, and play them without worrying that the laptop heats up and lags and such... It's not a fun experience, and that's something I have to go through every time I try to use it. You may understand that in such situation, it means I don't feel like working on the website, much less writing about anything.
So, until that is solved, you may not see as many meaningful updates as before (meaningful in the sense that I wrote new webpages or things in existent webpages and linked to them from here, which is not something I've done this time...), and I'm sorry to let you down like that...
Oh, and also, happy early holidays :3 because I'm pretty sure I won't be around to update the website at those times ;w;
- 2021-12-12
- I've added a couple links to the Links webpage again...
I still didn't have much time to fix the mess I caused some time ago... I'm sorry about it.
I'm not sure how much time it's gonna take, especially since I got tangled up with a whole bunch of other things as well ;w; Not only did I already have things to do, now I have even more things to do... When will this ever end ;w;;;;
Also, I'm still figuring how livestream works, and we'll possibly see some games being played :3 As for writing about them... maybe at a later time, I've not forgot about that ;w;
- Oh right, I'm not done with whatever I had to get done. With all the things I've given myself to do, it's likely gonna take longer than I thought...
(Also, the previous entry didn't have an ending line-break for some reason, and I never even checked until now, lol, just shows how much care I put into this, uwu; nah, not really, it's because I was quite in a hurry ;w; and copy-pasted from the News webpage into here without checking the Homepage part)
- 2021-12-04
- Gotta add an entry here once in a while so that I don't forget how it's done, lol
Anyway, I'm trying to get ready to wrap some things up and hopefully we may see a livestream from me at some point :3
Once I feel more confident, I'll share where you can watch it. For now, you'll have to wait, I'm sorry...
- 2021-11~
- 2021-11-27
- I've added a few interesting websites to Links; there are more along the way to be added there, and if you know how, you can already see them :3 Maybe I said too much, but whatevz
- It's still taking a while ;w;
- 2021-11-26
- Well, the other day I wrote a webpage about the found car renders from the old GTA 3 Flash Website... you know that existed, right? Anyway, it's not around anymore, but maybe this webpage can come useful some time for when it comes back ;w;;;;;;
- 2021-11-22
- Did I talk too early? Of course I did, like I always do, I get excited too fast ;w; Anyway, it seems nothing much was done in the past few days either... I was busy sorting the things and I got some kind of sickness and stuck in bed for the last 2 days or so, and it was impossible to do anything ;;
Sk didn't do much either from what I can see, and I shouldn't be one to judge them, they can do whatever they'd like ^^ It is possible they have their own things to deal with, which could be more important than my nonsense, so that's understandable
In any case, even though my sickness or whatever it was is not as much of a problem as it was those days, please don't expect much to happen for quite some time. I still need to get things back on track... so, I'm sorry, and I hope you do understand
- Oh and also, you know, I was testing Linux on some USB stick, and... for whatever reason I was left with no space on it ;w; it seems the main partition was given only 1.5GB, while I remember I chose 4GB or something. Obviously, 1.5GB isn't enough for stuff like Wine, Chromium and all that jazz, and I remember things not opening properly, and somewhere it said it only had 0B left (ops), so... uninstalling Wine freed up around 300MB, which is plenty to work with what I need. I don't need Chromium, so I didn't have that install that in the first place, lol, I use a Firefox fork on this one :3 Unfortunately, uninstalling Wine doesn't come with no consequences... Now I'm unable to start up not only the Windows Calculator, Nyan Parasol, but also the good ol' Paint! My beloved Paint application from WinXP can no longer be opened, which is really bad ;w; I was thinking of remaking the Linux USB, so it's not that bad, but it might be difficult to reconfigure it with my settings... and the installed applications... Well, hopefully I can find out where the applications store their stuff, but I'm not so sure about where to find what I have installed besides what was already there, that's maybe the more difficult part ;w;
We'll see how that goes, and I missed writing this much, I hope this makes up for the lack of activity... still sorry about it ;;;;
- 2021-11-17
- No activity in the past few days, besides an entry from Sk at Shorts from a few days ago
...wait a bit, Sk is back? Nice :3 If they wanna, they can handle writing more things while I'm doing the sorting around ;w;
Sk: I won't really do much besides writing more on that webpage, lol, but once you get back to writing guides or whatever else, then I can talk about them on the homepage instead of you doing that. This way it doesn't have to be only you talking about your things
Nd: Oh nice, thanks then, I'll see if I can get something done in these days... I miss getting things done tbh ;w;
Sk: Ye, me too, what's taking so much time to get done?
Nd: You know me, I take my time ;w; Not really that, but I have to do a bunch of things at once and can't focus properly, so it takes longer than I thought...
Sk: Well then, focus on a single thing at a single time
Nd: Easier said than done ;w; but I'll try that, thanks
Sk: No need to thank me, go and get that stuff done already, lol
Nd: Your kindness is always unexpected for me ;w;
Sk: I don't know how you see that as me being kind, but alright then whatever
Nd: Ye, I don't know either... You know I'm a weird fellow, right
Sk: What's that got to do with this?
Nd: I don't know, see?
Sk: You make no sense, lol
Nd: That's me :3
- 2021-11-08
- It got quite boring ;w; I still have things to do there tho. Anyway, I did some things 'round the website, and that includes replacing the bland backgrounds with the pattern one. Also, I added some things to the Nyan Nyan Parasol webpages. And some other things, I'll have to see what they are before I publish this entry :3
Oh right, I have also added the pattern background to the Tobari webpages, some links to the Link section that I still have to change some things 'round it, I have changed some web experiment webpage to match how it looks now and some minor changes to a few others [1] [2]
And because I like lists, I have done some of those too :3 Namely, for now, a table for Myon Myon Douga and one for Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga
Other than that... Something reminded me that I need to update the donation webpage, but does anyone even visit this website anymore ;w;
It's better to do things in multiple days and update this part later than to try to update it every time I do something... I hope you don't mind it like this ^^
- 2021-10~
- 2021-10-30
- I, uhh, I have to do some sorting around offline ^^ Not sure when I come back (and with what), but to not let you hanging, I have written some things in the past few days (that I didn't talk about here, hmm), something at Shorts, a few not that interesting things on Web Tests [1] [2], and I've added some entries to Cartoons I Like (which I should move elsewhere instead of the homepage), I'll also add more links to the webpage, so look for it some time ^^ Nothing related to games yet, but maybe soon I'll come back to those webpages too
Also, I hope Sk comes back, I miss them ;w;
- And I almost forgot, should I add the pattern background to (almost) all webpages? I said almost because I'm sure I won't touch some or, knowing me, if I do that'd mess 'em up somehow. So, anyway, tell me what you think ^^
- Oh, and also, you know, I mentioned in the ToDo webpage that I wanted to have some themes; well, I made only one so far (more like 2, but one of them simply makes webpages w i d e)
So, I decided to take digdeeper's approach and I'm gonna plop some CSS files and you'll make them work on your browser with some extension by yourself :3
I'll still figure out how to deal with cookies and make a webpage for settings and such, but until then this will do ^^
Anyway, here's the CSS file so far (currently, w i d e webpages and white theme are together, so fix that yourself :3 ). More coming soon ^^
- 2021-10-17
- Inactivity... that means no updates for some time. I'm sorry about it; especially with Sk not being around, they'd write some things here to keep it active, but it looks like not this time... We'll see when they come back ^^
Until then, see you
- 2021-10-13
- Wait a bit, did I ever tell you about the Award for Good Looking Website that I made a month ago?
From what I've seen, it seems like I didn't...
Well, I did it now :3
Not much else other than that, I think. There may be more to uncover, so see you later ^^
- I've made some backgrounds for the webpages ^^ Currently, only the indexes (indice?) and a few webpages from them have the backgrounds...
They all share the same 'pattern' behind them... so, it's a bit boring, but better than nothing
I was inspired by the various webpages I've seen recently that looked quite oldie, and I wanted mine to be like that too ;w;
Also, I've made most backgrounds see-through so you can see the background through them. This wasn't inspired from those oldie webpages, it was something I wanted to do so the smaller resolutions can see the backgrounds as well
Please tell me how I did ^^ because, yes, I made them; it took some fiddling around layer modes and such to do them that way
The first webpage and the homepage backgrounds will stay the same because I always liked the starry background ^^
- 2021-10-10
- Alright, I moved the old entries from homepage in their place and made 'nother webpage for this month, oh boi, I missed doing this ;w; It also took too long for me to do this... There were more than this one, so see the rest at the webpage if interested, but it's not that interesting ^^
Also, I tested out RSS in ukgk and didn't stop until I got it working, so I did. It doesn't quite work as I expected it to, but it's still alright. You may take a look at that test RSS if you'd like ^^
Also also, apparently I made a ToDo webpage one of these days for some reason, but as usual, it is a ToDo in itself... And a webpage for favourite YT videos, as a replacement for those webpages with a bunch of YT thumbnails, that I may make available sometime, who knows
Other than that... Still not back at this, but it's nice that Sk kept things going :3 Thanks man! Not sure where they are now, I think they're taking a break for a bit. We'll see when they come back. The things they wrote is currently at Shorts, but I'll move it elsewhere another time
But anyway, see you later ^^
- Also, today is 11th anniversary of something. If you know what it is, that's nice ^^
This reminds me, I'm still looking forward to the Di Gi Charat mini anime that was announced quite some months ago; I love that show, it's so much fun, nyo~ :heart:
- (2021-10-07?)
- Sk: Anyway, yea, don't put that as cover, draw 'nother one
Nd: I knew it's bad, lol, I could put this other one instead
Sk: You could, but I'm not included in it (that's why I didn't yet...), but until you draw 'nother one (which can take months for you to even get started, like we saw in this case), you can do so
Nd: Alright then, I'll replace Cyan with me... I'll miss it ;w; but it was needed to be done for a long time, that cover was not intended to be more than a temporary placeholder...
Sk: Like most times, whatever is temporary turns out to be permanent (or semi-permanent like in this case)
Nd: Yep
- (2021-10-06?)
- Nd: So that's what happens when I let you by yourself...
Sk: No, man, I didn't do anything bad...
Nd: Indeed you didn't; I love what you did :3
Sk: W-what? ...Really?
Nd: Yes, and I think I'll move that stuff into your own webpage tho, it's getting crowded on there (Alright then). As for why I was away, I drew that sketch with 2 characters, and I made those previous words the link to it :3 and ofc, I know it looks bad, so I won't use that one as cover...
Sk: You're right, it does look bad
Nd: Yea, lol, thanks for confirming
Sk: No probs. That's what took you so long?
Nd: Mostly. It seems I never have time for anything these days; you know that, lol
Sk: Oh right...
Nd: I drew that in 2 hours or so, and that doesn't include picking the colours, that part took just as much
Sk: So, you spent around 4 hours on this silliness instead of working on the guide or whatever else needed to be done (well, yea, I didn't really feel like doing anything else besides that, and was bored anyway), it's a good use of time tho, lol
Nd: Maybe so, idk
Sk: Man, you're difficult at conversation...
Nd: Only now you see that?
Sk: Nah, I already know, was wondering when this ends...
Nd: At any time :3
Sk: How about now? (ok)
- 2021-10-04
- (Sk) I'm having so much fun with writing this stuff, lol. I hope Nd won't come back too quickly, I wanna write more of it without them around
Also, I don't know how to add these to the News part of website, so Nd will have to handle that... I'll just add text before whatever was the first one and keep the others where they were. I think they know this better than I do, lol
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