Year 4 Part 1
From 2024-03 to 2024-01
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- 2024-03
- (2024-03-23 9:24AM)
- wait, did I tell you about the _new_ website? Not really something
different or whatever, I kinda wanted to mirror this one over there, but,,,
I forgot about it,,, it doesn't help that it crashes the mobile web browser
everytime I try to upload something there, so,,, I'll try another way some
other time, for now it's simply a placeholder that served its purpose, for me
to know that the embed thing works, finally!! Maybe I can add embeds to the
old webpages too after I mirror them, maybe maybe ^^
- (2024-03-23 8:30AM)
- Another non-update,,, well, kinda ^^ since last time, I've not been able to
work on the website and such,,, and I'm sorry for that ;w; I have a lot of
project that I'd like to get back to, but until then, I've completed to 100%
the GTA:SA game for the first time, like I wanted to do for a long time ^^
and also completed NSML, also like I wanted to do for a long time ^^
other than that, it feels like I've not done much else,,, I've not done
any drawings other than some silly sketches that you may be able to
see on the carrd webiste,,, once I get to uplod them there ;w;
I've not been feeling well again, and I'd like not to focus on that ^^ -
One of these days I'll try out the Touhou 6 on a Linux machine, not
Steam Deck unfortunately, and I'll be able to say for sure that it works :3
I can't try VMs yet, I'm sorry for that,,, -
And as for streams, I've played NSML ^^ pretty interesting how you can't even
tell it was done on Linux, ikr
And also, as is the usual, I forgot to do whatever I had planned to from the
lastest update,,, no surprise here ;w;
In other news, I'm trying to think of what else changed and things, but
there doesn't seem to be much that I'm aware of,,, I'm the same silly person,
and you may be a different person, or it could be still me that is reading these,
or it could be someone else; I don't know, there's no way for me to tell
at this time, and I'm not _that_ interested in knowing either, y'know; I could,
from the beginning, insert some analytics things and whatnot onto here,
but I decided not to, I could even have counters and who knows what else, but I
don't do those kinda things;
I'll see if I can think of other things to write later, if not, you'll be
able to read this a few days later ^^
Something I thought later than above is that, there are actually some peeps that look up
to me and they like me and I really don't know how to feel
about it or what to do ;w; I--I'm not used to others actually liking what I do,,,
I'm used to think that what I do is nothing much, but some do enjoy it and have fun,,, and I
like them :3 I like them very much, they're so very cool peeps, I luv you all ^^
(if you get to see and read these; if not I luv you anyway :3 )
Thank you lotsss ;w;;; I always wonder if I should do something in return
to them, but they most always say not to or they simply tell to continue what
I'm doing,,, so, alright then, I'll try to ^^
and this may be a bit specific but Sk was wondering where someone is, and I
know this may not be the best space to ask this but Sk gonna try anyway, so
Nd is gonna edit some old vods from a certain streaming place, and upload to
the certain video,,,ing place, and they was
wondering if they could mention some peeps in the description ^^ if you know
you were in nd's streams at some times, plsss reach out and let 'em know if
it's alright thanks :3
btw, Sk is sidekick (kurosora), and Nd is nkd/nanikadesu (murasorazone) -
other than that (again), I don't know, I should be continuing some projects
and things; the list with the things I wanted to do on stream is getting shorter,
so maybe I can get started on other things?? who knows, I wish I knew, lol
At least some things are being done, that's _something_, alright :3
- 2024-01
- 2024-01-13 06:49AM
- No update for what feels like years ;w;
tbh I've not done much for this website recently, and that is because,,,
I've not been feeling well (what a surprise)
Anyway, I've been focused on some other things, but I've not forgotten that
I have a website that needs some moving to another webhost, that part still
needs to be dealt with ;w; -
Other than that, yep, it seems I've been active in other places than this website,
unfortunately,,, Some day I need to look into things that need to be done and
make (yet another) TODO list or something, because there are way too many things
that I need to do for this website and I can't keep track of all of them lol
Don't mind me, I'm just rambling about the website things, haven't done so in a while ^^ -
Some webpage idea I had for some time was to make a webpage about games that
I can run with Linux (yes, I'm still using that, after all this time, lol)
with the Wine program thing; so far NSML,
RVGL[1], and GTA:SA (with mods) worked pretty well for me ^^
And also Jazz1 for DOS, and NyanPara and its extra things worked too. Some day
I'll try Touhou 6 (not in Proton, in Wine instead) and the thpatch thing, but with vpatch and
d3d8tod9, and see the results. There was someone who said they'd help me
with this, but they're taking too long and I miss them ;w; (they've seemingly
disappeared, and haven't used the Steam Deck in a while, but hopefully
they'll be back soon ^^ If you think that's you, dw, it's someone else,,,
it's likely you don't know them,,, If it so happens that it's you who I was
talking about,,, uhh,,, hi there ^^ please, when you have some time, please
try what I'll tell you about and tell me if it works, please TwT I know it's a
difficult process, but I can't do it myself because, y'know, I would've done it
already, the moment you told me it doesn't work, and I know for sure
it _does_ work, because it _should_ work, lol), I'll have to remember to set up
a guide for what I did to get them to work, so you can do the same too. It's
not much difficult tbh, just need to know what command to run, and you can make
`.desktop` file or `.sh` file if you don't wanna run the command all the time,
or idk, you can add as non-Steam game I think
but y'know, pretty much all computers are different and all have different
specs and stuff, so I'm looking forward to some day get one of those
Steam Deck things (not Stream), that should be able to
run the PC games the same way as other Steam Deck things would, and I won't
have to tell you things are going to look different or whatever -
And also, VMs! That was another thing! I remember I wanted to set up a VM with
some old shells or whatever and try them out, but that didn't happen yet, I got
into other things and forgot, I'm sorry ;w; Can't remember where I put the
text file with some ideas I had, I'll try to search for it again ^^ Against
any exceptations, the OS isn't gonna be WinXP, Win7, Win10, it's gonna be
Win8.1 because that's the last 'good' OS that M$ made; it's not Win7, even tho
that's the best one, because many things that I needed didn't work on it
last time I tried ;w; and I didn't give Win8.1 a proper try in my time
(I skipped from Win7 to Win10, tried to install Win8.1 on a computer but it
didn't support it or something, so I gave up and installed Win10 on that;
can't remember what happened to it tho). I should also try the Classic 'Theme'
on it, because the current Windowses are quite a mess and break more often
than not
I was also going to make a big ol' list with pretty much all games that could be
found on the,, asia, india, africa, and, websites,
and maybe some others, but,,, uhh,,, that didn't happen either, sorry again ;w;
Also was gonna make a list of GTA:SA mods that I use, some list of software
that may be useful, and idk what else ;w; feel free to contact me if you may be
interested in having me continue any of those or helping out or anything else ^^
Other than that, pretty late to say this but I uploaded some videos on the old YT channel and new YT channel, nothing much, just some
test videos I had around ^^ and also streamed some GTA:SA on twitch channel :3
- Also also, I had a whole bunch of website links to add to Links; oh boi I'm
remembering things, that's good :3 (what's not as good is that I can't do it
atm, and will likely forget to do it later ;w;;;;; )
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