Year 4 Part 2
From 2024-06 to 2024-04
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- 2024-06
- 2024-06-19 01:41PM
- It looks like I don't feel so well, given the unusual time of day
where I write this, idk,,, thought I might say something by now, and I hope
I won't go missing (again) ;w;;;
- 2024-06-11 06:43PM
- I finally figured out how to do guestbooks :3 I kinda wanted to do this
at the beginning of when I first set up the website, but heh idk
Unfortunately, because it has input text boxes that can send data somewhere,
there may be unwelcome 'peeps' (bots) that may snoop in too, but maybe it
won't happen (hopefully)
I'm still trying to do some set up, and I kinda don't wanna link to
a webpage without it, y'know
- I've also done a character reference for my character, but it's
not finished yet, so idk
- 2024-06-07 02:32AM
- ok, y'know what, I just remembered about some old webpage HTML things
that I had saved, and I forgot to link to them from the Web Experiments webpage,
so,,, I need to search for them again and link to them ;w;
Also changed the layout of the Web Experiments webpage into a table instead
of a list; in a way it kinda looks better, but idk
- Also forgot to mention the other day, I've added a menu or something
like that to the homepage ^^ Doesn't really look the best, but it's
gotta do for now; I need to look at other websites for inspiration, I've not browsed
old websites (or old-style websites) in quite some time,,, and that reminds me
I need to update the webpage for Links too,,, There are so many websites
I wrote on paper (yes I still write on paper, I'm quite old-fashioned
if one might say it like that, y'know; and quite uncommon too, because who
is writing URLs on paper??) and I maybe won't be able to understand my
handwriting if too much time passes ;w; (or, worse, the websites will be gone,
and I won't have the chance to know where they moved to)
well that took a dark turn, but there's some good news too, I'm getting
things done, (well, hopefully), slowly things are getting done, but they're
surely getting done
- So many things to do ;w; fortunately, unlike before, I'm trying to do them
one-at-a-time or one-by-one, instead of all-at-once; and I also learned
to set achieveable goals at least, instead of looking at everything as
a whole and deciding it's too much lol, nah just look at it in parts,
it's gonna be easier like that
- special thanks yous to some certain peeps, you know who you are :3
If you'd like me to do something for you or idk mention you here or
something please tell me ;w;;; I still don't know what to do when someone
looks up to me, I,,, I don't know,,, I'm clueless ;w; I just do what I do, I'm not so good
at pretty much anything I do, and I wanna do better ;w;
Thank you for indirectly pushing me to do better and get some things done btw,
I kinda needed that ;w;
- Also, btw, some time ago I mentioned how I'd like to move the
guide/review/whatever I talk about games to another website? well,
would'ya look at that, I'm (trying to) doing it :3
- Oh right, the Touhou 6 works on Linux, like I kinda expected it to, but it
took a bit of tinkering with the command line to get it to work,,, I'll
maybe talk about it soon
- 2024-06-07
- Hi there ^^ Quick update to tell you that this website is
currently moved to somewhere else
I've added some things to it (and I'm in process of adding even more things :3 ),
but not everything works yet, sorry about it,,,
- 2024-06-05 04:44AM
- This is the first time I don't write on the main (old) website, it's quite unlikely
for anyone from there to read this at this time but whatever; I'm trying to
copy files from the old website onto here and not everything is here just yet,
many links are broken and go nowhere ;w;;;
In other news, I'm gonna (finally) continue writing about that silly old game
I love, called Nyan Nyan Parasol, the main webpage for it should be available,
but anything else is on its way,,, Also, just like last time I wrote about it
on the News webpage, I'm running it on Linux :3 I still love it just as much
as I used to, and I kinda still wanna fullfill past me's dream about transcribing
the story text and translating and all that ;w;;;
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