• Nyan Nyan Parasol
  • Platform: PC-WIN
  • Pub: Chimes
  • Rel: C59, 2000-2001
  • Genre: Action, Platformer
  • Player: 1

Nyan Nyan Parasol

Y'know, few years back (at the time of this writing it was a few years, but it was around the middle of 2010s or later,,, I'm sorry middle 2010s is still a few years ago to me, even tho we're in the middle of 2020s but heh whatevz, anyway) I was much into doujin games and such, I considered them very cool and I still hold the same opinion. It was some day when for some reason I decided to search doujin games on that little video sharing website called YouTube, there were so many games with different mechanics and such; there I entered a rabbithole clicking from related video to related video, after which at some point I remember seeing some catgirl game that I wanted to try too. The game is called Nyan Nyan Parasol (or as the main character says in the intro, "Nyan Nyan, PARASORUUUUUU"). At the time there was little to no info about this game that I could find, all I could find is the video on YouTube, some webpage on what I think is an obscure website (not gonna say, because I saw it contains 18+ in some parts of it), a few mentions on other websites (GamingHell, and a few biglobe websites), and,,, well, the website I got it from (which I'm not going to say, please figure it out yourself and don't share the knowledge, please!! a few websites that I knew had info about the doujin games are now gone and I don't want to help add to the number,,,). I kinda wanted to document my findings and talk about this game, so here we are ^^

I don't remember exactly how I got to know of it, I think it was me looking at ukgk-related doujin games, finding about Super NIN-e Sisters, finding GamingHell that way, Nyan Nyan Parasol was mentioned on their webpage about S.N.S, and from there I searched for N.N.P. I was unable to find S.N.S anywhere I looked for (I think I found it someday, can't remember where I put it tho,,,), but N.N.P is still available in some form to this day
(Some other games I'd like to know more about are Ecoco de Fight, and Nanikura; more to be added)

ks: it took you 3 years to finally make a proper webpage about this,,,
ms: y'know how it goes, better later than sooner,,, or wait
ks: it is better later than never, you silly

Nyan Nyan Parasol is a game from Shisui House from around early 2000s I'm not sure exactly. It is pretty simple platformer in which you have to use a parasol and defeat everything in the stage. The stages are 2 screens vertically. oh btw, the main character is a playful catgirl named Meinyan

It seems to be part of a series, there are 2 others, called NyanNyan Tower and NyanNyan Triad, but at the time of writing there is not much I know besides a playthrough on the YouTube

I'm pretty sure this game doesn't need a walkthrough, considering it's pretty easy to figure out what to do, but I'll try my hand at one, mostly because it's not in English and I wanna try to transcribe/translate the text and try to understand the story (yes, there is a story)

Despite how simple it is, this game is packed with all sorts of little details and I love it so much, it's one of my fav games!

As previously said, stages are 2 screens vertically and you are given a parasol to rid the stages of the baddies. For some reason you turn them into jellies that you can move around, idk I've not looked much into it; after you throw them away with the parasol or whatever, they turn into food, GET all the food!! if you get enough of it, near the end of stage you get a cake(!)

The music is such a bop, I love it too! tbh I kinda love everything about this game, even tho it can be quite difficult at times ;w;

On the world map there are 4 seasons, with an extra one you can't access yet. If you'd like to access the walkthrough, my transcribes of (some of) the text in game and maybe some translations and extra things, you may click somewhere on this text for an index. Otherwise, stick around for some,,,

!! Extra Play !!

(or let's go back to the index)

As I said, this game is part of a series, Nyan Nyan Parasol, Nyan Nyan Tower, and Nyan Nyan Triad. There is also Nekomimi Memorial but I've not been able to see much besides some pretty pictures of the cover

from what I can find, Nyan Nyan Parasol was shown at a comiket (c56?), and here you can see a photo of some wall with much text that I won't transcribe (yet) And here is one of the CD cover, and maybe the CD itself Yes, CD, this game is so tiny it can fit on a single CD It's supposed to have music but I can't get it to work in the game ;w; Someone may be able to tell me how to get it to work and after I can confirm it, then I'll share my our findings ^^

Nyan Nyan Tower and Nyan Nyan Triad seem to be puzzles,,, I'm not good at puzzles, I don't know much about them ;w;

from the 2 vids on youtube that I've seen about Nekomimi Memorial, it seems to be a visual novel kinda thing with minigames inbetween, pretty cool :3 Now I'm curious if there exist things like artbooks for the characters or something,,, I don't know, I like them, I wanna know more ;w;

A few years ago when I first found out about these, I thought I'd never see more than the pretty pictures of the cover and some video(s) ; I thought I may never see more of them on my own, but that may soon change I think, we'll see

There is also another game from Shisui House called Full Metal Marilu, but it's quite different from these ones and I don't know much about it, so,,, anyway

I'm sorry to leave you like this, but that is all I got for now ;w; check out the walkthrough and transcribe/translation webpages or whatever, and/or see you another time ^^

Also, btw, there's the old version of this webpage in case it's needed for anything ^^

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