Year 1 Part 1
From the Beginning to 2021-03
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to the beginning →
- 2021-03~
- 2021-03-21
- Oh boi, this website might have been linked to from a website that I don't maintain. Oh no, but this website is unfinished, what am I gonna do, aaaaaaaa ;w;
Despite the unfinishedness, I hope you enjoy your stay! ^^
Also, I was unable to work on the webpages I wanted to, I'm very sorry ;;;;;
- Oh nice, as soon as I said that, I began working on some of webpages at least. You can see them in their unfinishedness here and here.
Now onto the others...
- 2021-03-05
- This took way longer than I'd like, and I'm still not done...
I also have to figure out things again
I'm very sorry for the inactivity ;;;;
- 2021-02~
- (2021-02-08)
- Was hoping to return with a finished
support me webpage... Heh, unfinished is good too ^^
Besides that, there are more webpages in the works. Stay Tuned ^^
- 2021-01~
- 2021-01-29
- Here you go, I added the "reviews" in the Shorts webpage
Now I think I'll take a rest ;w; (and hopefully not forget how these things work by then)
- (2021-01-28)
- Not feeling that well again...
Here comes a bunch of uneventful days...
Fortunately, this time I came kinda ready, and will hopefully add more short reviews (if not anything else)
Stay tuned ^^
- 2021-01-27
- Ye, I made the games list into a table, but forgot to apply styling to the webpage. Silly me ;w;
In my excitement about the News webpage, I forgot to include the newest ones there too...
I'm on it
- Wait, what did I say about the games list without styling? It has styling, but my local file structure is currently an unspeakable mess and got me confused ;w;
- Wait again... I didn't link to it anywhere yet.
Heh, I can't be bothered to update the Game Reviews webpage too, so here you go until I do.
- (2021-01-26)
- Here comes the time I remove some news from the homepage to make space...
Other than that, I wrote the games list webpage (jokin', I wrote it a few days ago, but just today I made it into a table)
I wish I was able to do other things as fast as I'm doing these...
- Anyway, Next comes the About webpage featuring self-made questions (can't name it FAQ if no one asked me any questions, y'know).
Stay Tuned ^^
- 2021-01-25
- (Moving the news to their own webpage) I did it
It shouldn't have taken this long ;w;
I didn't do it as I wanted, but it's better than nothing, lol
Now I wonder how long until I get onto the games list...
- I'm not sure if I told before, but from the beginning of this website, most of
these webpages were written and uploaded from an old and dusty phone. (Not the styling part, that still has to be done from a desktop, which is even older than this phone)
If you think the phone that just sits in the drawer collecting dust
is useless, the one I'm writing from was able to be used to write on
these few days (including this one and many in future, if nothing changes...
I need better equipment, it's keeping me from most things ;w; )
- Oh, and also, with that out of the way, now that I got the News webpage workin', that means the earliest few updates will be unavailable here, and instead will be there
This had to be done some time.
- 2021-01-24
- Oh no, it took even longer to get me to write this...
Well, I've not done much these days. Getting me to write this and
upload it in the first place took the most...
One of these days I'll move all these news in their own webpage,
and I'm workin' on a list of games for you to choose what I may review next
or what you'd like to see.
Another day I'll work on a donation page :eyes: (but it's a long way 'till then)
And hopefully you'll get to see some workin' progress webpages.
Stay tuned ^^
- (The previous update didn't make it through... I've been busy ;w;
(and unfortunately, the busyness didn't include working on the website, pshh -.-;;; )
- (2021-01-15)
- Oh man, that took a while, I'm sorry ;w;
Nothing much this time around, but I decided to add a new page to Game Reviews, called Shorties. You know, the link
that previously went nowhere; now it goes somewhere (lol)
- Also, I still didn't move this section to its own webpage, but I'm working on it.
- 2021-01-13
- Not feeling so well at this time... I decided to tell you that before
I stop updating this space for a while. I'm sorry about it ;;;;;
- 2021-01-12
- I've added these little GIFs around the homepage and changed a part of it (namely,
replaced the banner on top with text; it took me some time to come to that
decision...), and also, I was thinking to transfer part of this section onto
a new webpage. It's getting crowded here ;w;
- 2021-01-11
- I wrote the year wrong and no one told me ;w;
Anyway, I fixed it. And I'm sorry for the weird redirect yesterday. Hopefully won't happen again...
- Also, I'm still writing webpages, so this website will be less Under Construction.
It won't ever not be.
- 2021-01-09
- Finally uploaded (most of) the webpages -.-;
In case you may not be aware, the website is barely functional at this point...
Wanna know why? Because it's Under Constuction!! - (
not even the link works ;w;
Now it does ^^)
- 2021-01-08
- 2020-12~
- 2019-06-15
- 2019-06-13
- Made this homepage as a Workin' Progress idea
- Same as
above? - Also, yes, I did away with the frames... I'm sorry if anyone enjoyed them, I
did too, but... what can I do.
- And I changed the layout a bit. I know, it's very unlikely for me to do that.
I, the person who doesn't like when things change, changed some things.
How is that possible?
- Anyway, please tell me if you find anything that goes wrong with the layout on
the home page, and I'll be sure not to fix it because I don't even know how I made
it in the first place (^^;;;
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