Year 1 Part 2
From 2021-04 to 2021-06
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to Year 1 Part 1 →
- 2021-06~
- 2021-06-30
- Today is the last day of the first half of the year, and you know what that means
It means I have to flip the webpage to another one ^^
The one from News webpage, the Home Page will work the same way. I was hoping to end on a positive note, but it looks like it couldn't be done...
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do whatever I wanted to, so maybe another time. Only now I noticed the whole bunch of typos that were because of the stupid touch screen keyboard that I had to fix... I hope to switch soon enough so I won't have to deal with this nonsense again... So, if you see any typos in webpages, that's most likely the reason ;;
Sk: What do you mean I took a break? I was kinda busy fixing up the webpages you sent me...
Me: I didn't say anything about you and the break, I said you were kinda busy
Sk: Oh right, now I see you changed it from what it was before
Me: That's how it was before too, lol
Sk: Alright, ya know what, whatever; get going with that switch thing because I wanna talk about some games :3
Me: I'll try ^^
- 2021-06-29
- I've been working on switching from my current environtment to another one because this phone's touchscreen detection thing is messy and gets very annoying at times... And I can't connect one of those keyboards to it, because if I could, I wouldn't complain much about it :3
Little to no progress has been made so far, but I hope we get to see some of it and my current one soon enough ^^ Some extras include this website in text-based web browser (thanks Sk for suggestion), and (because it's not a phone this time) we'll also have some screenshots for the games. Yep, took me long enough ;w;
No real update other than this text here, but I'm looking to at least get done a part of a guide before I get started on switching, and I hope it doesn't take too much. Stay tuned :heart:
Sk's been kinda busy, I think. They'll be back ^^
- 2021-06-28
- Alright, so... I've been unable to get started on what I wanted to do. I think I may need some time off ;;
I'll go for now ^^ In the meantime, check out a separate Link section featuring one of my favourite thing, and tell me if I should do the same for the other ones too ^^
See you some time in the next days or the next month. Have some good days :heart:
- (2021-06-26)
- Well then, it seems I did what I said I wouldn't... Hopefully I'll come back to this, because I wanna do those guides ;w;
- 2021-06-23
- Oh man, that took some time... I'm still not done yet (I've not even started tho, I forget what I was trying to do ;w; )
In the meantime, Sk will bring back 2 previously unavailable webpages, that might not be worth the time or read, but we'll see
Sk: You are not worth our time :3
Me: Who is included in that 'our'?
Sk: The readers
Me: I'm not sure you can speak for them, but I'm glad you're back :3
Sk: Yes, ofc, I enjoy doing this. Also, I'm still waiting for you to set up those games and put up some screenshots...
Me: Oh right, that too... I might get that done if I have enough time ^^
Sk: Sure, I hope you have some, I wanna talk about them too :3
Me: Don't worry, you'll have your chance to write as much as you want ^^
Sk: Good to know it
- 2021-06-18
- Not much done... not even the webpages I wanted to try my hand at ;w;
Currently I'm trying to get some things in order, and then go for the webpages
This may take some time, and I hope you don't mind ^^
I'm not going to be inactive that easily :3 (but I also hope I can let you know in advance if we get to that point...)
- 2021-06-16
- Somehow, I forgot to mention that yesterday I made the shorts from Game Reviews "shorter" in a way, or at least tried to. Now you have to click the name to see it all if it's not shown.
A benefit to this is that you won't have to load all images once I add some there :3 just the ones you choose to see
For now, there's not a way to show all, but I'm working on it. Note that it can't be undone unless you refresh the webpage ^^ Can't easily fix that or how web browsers allocate memory
- Also, I've revised an old webpage of mine that might be interesting for a read ^^
- 2021-06-15
- I remembered we have COLOURS, so I went ahead and added some of those to some webpages from Game Reviews. You can see, for some, I put a bit too much effort... but that's the way I do things sometimes ^^
Sk: You don't wanna know how much they wanted to do that with the colours. For some reason, they wanna apply colours to everything, and I'm not sure how I feel about that
Me: Oh, shush with that; I always wanted to do something like this and show it to more than just me ;w; Fortunately now I can :3
Sk: Ye, whatever, see when you can do those guide things at least
Me: I-- I'm working on some, yes ^^
Sk: Nah, you're not, lol; instead of doing that, you did this with the colours (but I always do whatever else than what I had planned...) Right. Well then, do whatever
Me: Will do ^^
- 2021-06-14
- Alright, remember how I told about preparing webpages for what I'm about to write? I did that for these two.
- Also, the other day, Sk has added the following, but I had to look into it in more detail. The following text is from the other day ^^
Sk: As you were kinda away, I took the time and added some of my thoughts on that game into that rating webpage thing
Me: Oh man, and I've not even prepared those webpages yet, now I have to fit your text into tables like mine...
Sk: Well, get on it, lol. Some time I'll get to write even more text, and you'll see then
Me: I can't wait for it ;w;
Sk: Of course, what else can I expect from you
Me: Yes indeed
- I know I said I didn't prepare the webpages yet. At that time I didn't, but now they're :3
Stay Tuned for more
- 2021-06-12
- Today I don't feel that well, so I won't do much ;w;
Sk: So, you're taking a break?
Me: No, lol; what's up with you and take a break?
Sk: I don't know, it's weird. Anyway, I go for now
Me: Alright
I'll just prepare some webpages for the text I'm going to write one of these days ^^
- To make up for it, I revised one of those Short reviews, it's the 9th one. Check out if you'd like to ^^
- 2021-06-11
- Looks like I didn't finish and did some more; I think I'm done with that one for now ^^ Unless I happen to find more content, that is; but I don't know.
Let's go do the others I was thinking about, I wanna try some things out. No screenshots yet, but mostly text only. I hope you can fill in the blanks until I get some ^^
Sk: I knew you won't take the break
Me: Of course I don't, who-- (who's gonna do it, I already know what you gonna say at this point), lol, that's right... I'm so predictable ;w;
Sk: And you won't even start the "another game" you wanted the other day, instead you'll go for yet another one. Not even you know, lol, and that's fun, do how you want ^^
Me: lol, alright, I think I may do so, or not, I don't know... You know me better than I do, lol
Sk: Yes, because you're predictable at times.
Me: lol, anyway, See you again
Sk: Alright, do your stuff
Me: Will do ^^
- 2021-06-10
- Alright, so, I think I finish transcribe, and I separated that whole webpage into more because it got pretty laggy ;w; . There's more to do, but I have to take a break
Also, looking through some old things, it seems I wanted to start with another game, not the one I've been doing, and not the other one either... It's a different one... So, I'll go talk about that one... another time
I'm sorry I leave you like this... But I hope I can get back with more ^^
Also, I'm not sure I like that game as much as I did when I started transcribing (Ha!), but upon learning more about the story, it's quite interesting (Ohh...)
With that said, please have fun, and we'll see you again :heart:
Sk: They won't take a break, they'll continue to transcribe some more...
Me: Oh man, you caught me ;w;
Sk: Yes, because it's obvious, lol.
Me: Oh right. Heh, whatever. See you anyway ^^
Sk: See you too
- Alright, less than a month away until I switch from this News WebPage to the other one. Now it's almost 50kB, and still lags ;w;
Sk: Why don't you write these entries on the laptop...
Me: Yeah, good guesstion, why would I use that very old thing when I could use this old thing. Hmm, makes me wonder
Sk: Fix that silly setup at some point, lol
Me: I'll try, but I can't alone ;w;
Sk: And I can't help either, but hope that you get there
Me: Thanks man, I'll accept this little bit of kindness from you
Sk: Nice, because that's as much as you gonna get :3
Me: Good one, lol
- Also, the Text Editor application, that I have to use, mangles charsets. Those webpages proved to be quite the challenge to restore...
I need to get something better than this silliness ;w;
- 2021-06-09
- I couldn't finish it today either ;w;
Sk: You know that you don't have to do something for everyday, right?
Me: Wait, I don't? (Yea) But I wanna finish the webpage at least... (Ohh) Then I can take a rest :3
Sk: Alright then; it shouldn't take much longer?
Me: I'm close to being done with it (Nice) ; there's another one to do (Oh noooo...), but don't worry, I might save that for when I play the game myself.
Sk: Alright, nice that way!
- 2021-06-08
- Couldn't finish much for today
Sk: So you took a break?
Me: Nah, I have transcribed a considerable amount of text again, but I didn't finish that part yet. I intend to make it available once I finish it.
Sk: But I told you to take a break, why did you not do it?
Me: Because I still have things to do, lol. Also, I'll prepared a little box that shows content when you click on it. It'll be useful for the secrets of another game.
Sk: Oh man, you wanna do so many things...
Me: Ye, because who-- (yea, yea, I know, who's gonna do them) Yes, exactly. That's what I'm here for :3
Sk: Alright man, but don't do this too much
Me: Don't worry, I won't do it all in one go ^^
Sk: Good to know it. When will you let me talk about the games too?
Me: Once we get to play them properly ;w;
Sk: Oh right... Man, I wish I could help, but I'm not doing well either...
Me: I know, don't worry. I'll find a way to get a proper PC instead of the oldness I have to deal with...
Sk: Yea, I hope you get there
Me: Why are you being nice again?
Sk: Because I wanna make fun of them, but I can't do so until you get the PC
Me: And that makes you able to be nice?
Sk: Hmm, I don't know, it's weird. Wait, you're weird :3
Me: There we go ^^ Also, what even was this, let's put it on the News WebPage instead of here
Sk: I wouldn't mind that
- So, I did the box that show contents when clicked. It's unfinished, so I only link to it from here ;w;
See you later :heart:
- 2021-06-07
- I did it... I transcribed more of that text on the webpage :3
Sk: You did that all by yourself?
Me: Yes, and it took me hours! At some point I thought I'd never be done with it, but now I am finally. (So, no more of that?) Nah, I still have some more text to transcribe, and this one is tiny ;w;
Sk: Don't do that now, man; take a break
Me: No worry, I'll do that part another day...
Sk: Good.
Also, why are you doing this, that game does not even matter anymore
Me: Who else's gonna do it... (of course...) Also, it might not matter for you, but I love it. I have searched many times for guides and anything related to this game on the 'web, but I've not found much... So, maybe, one time when I go to search for this game, I'll find exactly the webpage I wrote ;w;
Sk: Oh, nice idea; but the only ones that may search for this game in these games are you and... you.
Me: I think there's a few more than that, lol, or at least including the ones who know about it
Sk: We'll see then
- 2021-06-06
- It seems I did something I thought was impossible for me... I transcribed most of the text from that game. However, because it's a bunch of text that I'll likely get confused by, I decided to put it on its own webpage instead. And I hope you don't mind ^^
Sk: Wait, did you do all that? (Yep) All by hand again? (Yes, like always; it was kinda difficult and I got tired along the way, but--) Man, take a break or somethin', how long did that take?
Me: It did take me quite some time, but I was determined to get that part done at least and have something to show on that webpage :3
Sk: Ah yes, the webpages
Me: Aren't they what you wanted me to talk about?
Sk: Yes, (And that's what I've been doing :3) indeed.
- Also, Sk wrote a webpage about the 'web for some reason :3
Sk: Oh no, you did that
Me: All I did was copy paste the text into the webpage itself. You wrote most of that stuff tho
Sk: Alright then, whatever
- 2021-06-05
- I updated the update because part of the info I added was wrong and/or unconfirmed ;w;
Sk: Well, of course; I didn't expect anything else from you, lol
Me: Yes, blame me for jumping to conclusions before doing more research ;w;
Sk: It's your own fault for doing that, lol
Me: Alrighty
- Also, I'll translate the text... But not all in one go ^^
Sk: Ah yes, it'll take a while again
Me: As is the usual here ^^
- You do remember the Rating webpage... thing, right? I made it more colourful and added more things to it. Come to think of it, it looks much better with the colours, so I plan to give the same treatment to most other webpages ;w;
See you later ^^
Sk: Don't edit my text tho
Me: You don't have any text there yet, lol
Sk: Ohh... Still, don't do it
Me: Don't worry man, I won't do that unless necessary. We talked about this before
Sk: We did? Wait, did I forget somehow? You made me forget, didn't you;
Me: I don't know man, I forget all the time. Many times I'm surprised I even remember things older than a day...
Sk: Oh man, I hope I don't catch that
Me: Ye, I hope so too, at least I have you when I need to remember things
Sk: ...What were we talking about?
Me: Not you too ;w;
Sk: lol, don't worry, it was jok (haha, funni). Anyway, yea, I kinda forgot we talked about it. Or nah, I wanted to make sure :3
Me: Sure you did, sure
Sk: Yea, lol
Me: Alright, whatever you say
- I also made colourful the same with the Tobari webpage :3
Sk: You didn't have to, there is not much difference
Me: There is... You're colourblind?
Sk: Nah, but I got used to the black and white of the other websites.
Me: The internet is not all black and white tho (Yea) I say that while my website is mostly exactly like that ;w;
Sk: I think yours is the opposite (white on black) of what I've seen (black on white)
Me: Ye, and it's better like that
Sk: Yes
- 2021-06-04
- I did something that I planned? Well, kinda; I updated part of the Nyan Nyan Parasol webpage with some things I noticed. And, yes, I still love that game. A bit too much even before I get to play it properly ;w;
Sk: I couldn't add any comments to that webpage yet...
Me: It's because that's not the final webpage ^^
Sk: Ohhhh
- Also, I fixed the link that was supposed to go back to Game Reviews from that webpage, which was apparently not working... for some reason. And this is the same webpage I welcomed someone to my website with... And it's still unfinished to this day. Oh man, I feel so embarrassed now ;w;;;;;
Sk: You showed that unfinished mess to someone... that is not me?? Whaaa??
Me: Yes, other peeps have seen this place on the Internet before. And, none of my website is finished, ever. You can say that about pretty much everything I do; it's true, and I won't try to hide that.
Sk: Oh boi, making fun of your stuff by yourself! Now you're doing my work for me :3
Me: Don't worry man, whatever you could write in that webpage wouldn't be that good either
Sk: Hey man, you know I write only the best things
Me: I don't know about that, I've not seen you write a part of review yet...
Sk: This again? I told you I can't write any because you don't let me yet...
Me: Oh right... I should change that (please do) after I get to play the games in first place.
Sk: Ye, that's gonna take a while...
Me: Exactly what I was thinking ;w;
Sk: So I have to wait until then (yes) Alright then, whatever
- This webpage is now a bit over 30kB ;w;
Sk: Still not much, it's alright
Me: Not much? What is too much for you?
Sk: More than 1MB, and that goes for images and other things too, not only webpages
Me: Ohh, I see; I don't think we're ever going to reach that on a single HTML file, and I made sure no image is too large. So, we're good so far
Sk: Good to know it. Our webpages won't be that big either, right?
Me: Yea, I don't think we're gonna write that much. We'd have to copy paste this webpage content a few tens of times to even go over 1MB, so I'm not too worried about it
Sk: Alright then
- 2021-06-02
- I think I'll take a break again. Knowning me, that won't take long and I may be back shortly after, but I don't know exactly ^^
Go and work on those Game Reviews already...
That's what I'll do then.
- 2021-06-01
- Weird stuff... Anyway, I don't feel like I did in those days anymore, which means I may be able to do webpages again :3 I'm sorry, enough about myself; I'll go work on 'em when I can
Sk: There you shall go
Me: Indeed
- And would you believe I did finish formatting those webpages? I did the Ukagaka, Wine, and Localization webpages :3 Still incomplete, but it's better than nothing ^^ However, I can't test to see if the steps from them work, because I don't have the proper equipment for it, and my set up isn't all that good either. I'm still writing these webpages from a silly old phone that has touchscreen issues, and seeing how webpages display on a laptop that's slow and more than a decade old. I know I need better stuff than this, but it's all I have, and I'm still looking for solutions ;w;
Hopefully now I can work on some Game Reviews again... I'm unable to play the games myself yet, but I mostly know how they play, and I can watch some vids to help me remember. See you then ^^
Didn't you say you won't talk much about yourself?
That wasn't only about myself tho
But... whatever, there's no point in arguing about this, lol
You do well ^^
- And also, this is the last month I'm writing in this News webpage... At the end of month, I'll make another webpage and start anew ;w;
- 2021-05~
- 2021-05-30
- Not much sign of feeling better, but at least today is a free day, so I can try and figure out why that is...
Until then, have some good days :heart:
- Apparently, the other day I skipped sleeping for some reason, and then I didn't wake up in a good mood and that made me feel weird for almost the whole day, lol. That combined with rain and me being unable to find motivation to continue the webpages... not good results ;w; Fortunately, it seems I feel better now, and I did a webpage about localization for some reason (why? I don't have idea ;w; ) instead of anything else I wanted to do... Anyway, it's not formatted yet, so it'll have to wait, but hopefully not as much as the previous ones.
Also, try not to talk too much about yourself, and talk more on the website instead. No one cares about you lol
Right, I forgot about that. Don't worry, once I start working on the webpages, I'll only talk about them :3
Sounds good
- 2021-05-29
- Here goes another day with me being unable to write much ;w;
I've added that box below this text on the homepage, but I had that written a few days ago already...
It rained again, and now I'll go try to feel better and hopefully be able to format those few webpages properly ;w;
Sk: Feel better dud, I wanna see what you wrote, lol
Me: Ye, I'll try. But go back to not caring about me; it's quite uncommon from you ;w;
Sk: Alright, whatever then.
- Also, I compressed quite a number of images that are used on the website, so you may see an improvement. Not by a lot, mind you. I'll document my findings later ^^
- 2021-05-28
- I'm sorry I couldn't be available yesterday... It rained quite heavily, and I felt bad ;w;
Anyway, I should do that game review... if I don't happen to do another webpage instead, like I always do, lol
Sk: That's gonna take some time, isn't it?
Me: Yes, indeed...
Also, I experimented with a rating system for the game reviews, you can check it out here. I may also include stars to them, but I'm not sure yet ;w;
Other than that, I'm sorry there's not more ;;
- And also, I forgot to mention I drew another sketch of my character :3 So, at least now I know for sure what they look like. Still no colours or any way I can share it, but it's oki ^^ I'll see what I can do, and hopefully be able to change that silly placeholder cover from homepage with another once I draw it myself or someone else does it better than me ^^ (or I can feature both, that's good too)
And, yes, for the character besides text... Still thinking about it. Sk doesn't know for sure what their character looks like yet, but we'll think of something, and I'll draw that too ^^ Their preference of "puke-green" colour for their text makes me think of colouring the hair like that; would it be good for ya, Sk?
Sk: Ye, that sounds good! Gimme some green cloths too
Me: Alright man, we'll see how it goes. Why don't you draw it yourself btw? Oh right, you only know to write text...
Sk: You got it, lol
- 2021-05-27
- I'm so sorry readers ;; I won't be able to make available those webpages yet, because I have to get some things in order and then get 'round the webpages properly.
I hope it won't have long to finish, and that you don't mind some days with no updates ;w;;;;
Also, I better not promise anything, because, as you may or may not know, if I promise something, I'm less likely to do it ;w;
I really need to find some time to continue that game review webpage aswell ;w;
Website Under Construction and all, y'know how it is ^^
- 2021-05-26
- We found a name for the cyan text :3 That is Sk, from SideKick (which is what I'm gonna give ya when I'm done) Hey now, not need for that, let's not go that far ^^ (lol, it was a jok) Haha, funni! Anyway, now I have to update every instance of the old name with the new one...
But it's alright, this change was done before they did anything significant, such as being on several webpages; so far, only a few of them, and I hope I know which one those are ^^
Also, I told I'd write those webpages, and I did (I still have to format them, but that won't take too long, I hope ^^). Now I had something left to do...
So, how do the words taste like?
Hmm, they taste like letters
That should teach ya
mm, they taste good tho; have some
We need them to be on the webpages, not eaten by you, lol; spit 'em out
On second thought, I'm not sure, they're your words that you ate, and now that you done that, you can't respond back to this :3
oh noooooo
lol, I'll give you some of my own if you have more to say for today. Until then ^^
- 2021-05-25
- So, I zoomed into the webpage (like one does) that shows what your browser and OS is, and I've noticed that some images are 1 pixel off... That is because back when I did that (around 2017), I still had to work with a CRT... (yes, that's quite the story) and I never thought much about it until earlier today. Anyway, I fixed those, and I made it show everything it got ^^
1 pixel off? Oh man; only you would be bothered by something so insignificant, lol
Yes, that's true, but sometimes it's annoying ;w;
More things to make fun of, nice
Yes, nice...
- Also, I plan to add some character to the coloured text, but that will have to wait until I even know what my character looks like in colours ;w; (that means the only thing I've done related to it is a silly sketch that I've not even coloured in yet. Some time I'll share it for you to see, and another time I'll replace the cover on the homepage with another :3 Not sure I'll be able to get the fellow in there too, but they said they don't need to be featured, so it's alright ^^)
Ye, no probs if you leave me off it. You can draw me on the featured image thing that you planed to do for almost every webpage
Why did you not make a spoiler for that, man? But thanks for reminding, I hope to get around that some time too ^^
So I wasn't supposed to say that?
Not really, I wanted to hold it until it's close to be finished, not when it's not even started yet ;w;
Heh, whatever, now you can start working on that :3
You do it :3
I'm not good at anymore than making fun of what you do, so you do it, so I can make fun of it :3
Alright man, but you telling me to do it won't speed the process, you know
I know, but it's fun
Yes, it is.
- Alright, now I fixed the images... For some reason, I didn't select the files previously...
Anyway, now it's time for those 2 webpages. Or maybe not now, not sure I have time for them, but I'll get around them soon enough ^^
We all know he's not gonna do them, right
Oh, no, not this time! You'll eat your words tomorrow :3
Make me :3
lol, you're fun to be with, you know that right
And you're good to be made fun of too :3
Hey now, easy there, lol
- I've done a test webpage that shows an experimental rating system that I'll work on. Coming up would be the stars...
See, I told you I'll get a webpage done :3
Yea, but it's not one of the ones you talked about
Oh right...
- 2021-05-24
- I have added more webpages :3
One with me talking about some unit systems... for whatever reason; and another kinda detailing whoever is the cyan text (Hi!) on various webpages, and yes, hi.
Now there are 2 more webpages (not including 1 Game Review I wanted to get back to) that I wanted to write, and I hope you enjoy reading that nonsense I wrote up ^^
A bit of a spoiler, the next ones are going to be a webpage about Ukagaka, one about Wine for Linux (that I've not even tried yet), and the Game Review was the Khimera one that I left unfinished... I have some ideas that I'd like to have done ;w; (Same goes for the other webpages when I can play the games properly...)
Oh man, my webpage is a mess, why did I agree to that, I wasn't even ready, lol
We can remake it another time, don't worry ^^
ok ig
- Not sure if I should talk about it yet, but I'm looking into solutions for the support me webpage, haven't found a good one yet, but I'll keep looking ^^
Thank you for waiting ^^;;;
- 2021-05-20
- It seems I can't work on those webpages due to various reasons, including lack of time... I'll try to make some time and get them going so you can read more stuff hopefully ^^
No, you're not invited at those webpages
Also, the thing with this website being Under Construction applies more than before now ;w;
And, this file is close to 20kB now
Still nothing, and I love it
I... I never expected that from you ;w;
I don't love you, lol, I love the website
You love my website?
No, I love this website
Yes, the website is mine
No way...
Ye, I can't believe it either
Then I... I don't know what to say
Let's leave it at that
I still love it tho
Alright then
- 2021-05-19
- Another small change... This time I changed the first webpage a bit, and added borders to the single News webpages (one of which you're reading now).
And I didn't feature this day on the homepage because it's not needed.
Useless, don't know why you bother with this
I like doing this stuff, lol, kinda like you enjoy making fun of it, hmm
Ye, you right
- Also, this file is now 10kB... Was a good idea to move to another soon enough
10kB is almost nothing
Might be, but my text editor starts to lag if the file is too long ;w;
What kind of text editor is that even?
No idea, but until I have a PC (with a Linux distro on it), I have to do with this silliness...
Well then, why don't you have it yet?
Hmm, should I make a webpage for that?
Sure, but give some short summary so that you don't forget, ya dumdum
Alright, we're poor ;;
That's all?
You did say "short", but not how long it should be (o damit man). The webpage is gonna contain lots more than that, don't you worry :3
Alright then lol, is that also why you don't write Game Review webpages anymore?
Yep... And also because I didn't have much time for it ;;
I hope you get some ^^
Wait, what's that? You treat me with care now?
Of course not, dumbo
That's what I thought :3
- Writing the webpages by myself also means I get to choose if this goes to the homepage or not.
There should also be an RSS feed, but it's a bit of work that I'm holding back for now. Maybe another time ^^
Does anyone still use RSS?
Yep, plenty of peeps and websites do. Seeing a bunch of headlines at a glance from various websites is nice :3
I think ukagaka has this feature too, but it might have to be configured. And my website won't work for it because of the way it works...
Wait, what's ukagaka, and why wouldn't it work?
Ukagaka should have its own webpage explaining about it, and it doesn't work because free webhost, *shrug*
It's also the reason I can't do HTTPS (well, I can have it, but no way to make it do that automatically instead of every 3 months or so)
Yes, because you forget, of course. (Yes) And that's nice about RSS, I'd like to try it out
I don't know how it works, that's the thing ;w; We'll have to figure this out once I have time for it too
Whatever then
Oh nice, this whole thing does good for testing out to see how what I did will show up. Let's do this more :3
Can I invite you to my webpages and the test ones where I write random text anyway?
Sure why not
Alright then, I won't talk by myself anymore :3
Don't you do that now?
Oh right, sorry
You silly and your big mouth
My big mouth? Should've seen how close yours was when you did your SHHHH thing lol
Why did I do this...
Is the invite to your webpage still available
Yes, but don't do this again ;w;
Don't worry about it
You still write these on that old phone, right?
Yep (don't you know this already?)
How are you still managing so far?
I've been trying...
Sometimes I wish I could have one of those big screens and a computer that is not a more than 10 years old laptop ;w;
You have a big screen connected to the laptop tho
Yea, but I can't do much with it, else the laptop melts, *shrug*
Try it and you'll see how it is
Nah, I'll stay at writing texts
You got it the easy way ;w;
Whatever then, I hope you get a PC or something, because I wanna make fun of the games you play :3
We'll see how it goes ^^
- 2021-05-18
- I changed the single News webpages layout because there doesn't need to be so much empty space ;w; (and there was not enough purple either :3 )
The old one can be found at the Web Experiments
- And no, I'm not going to do this daily. These are small changes as opposed to large amounts of text where I need to think what to talk about...
Sk: As if you think of anything, psh
Me: What did I tell you about going to your webpages? Go away from here or I won't feature your text on the Game Reviews :3
Sk: Fine then, whatever
- And of course, I said I'll write some webpages, but all I did was this nonsense... Maybe writing this here will prompt me to write those... hopefully
- 2021-05-17
- I've added even more COLOURS to the homepage :3 (and to the webpage that you only see when you enter the website and then never again ;w; )
And I think it looks better like that ^^ Why did I not do this earlier? Shall I remind you, this website is (still) Under Construction, it always is.
I don't think I mention that enough ;w;
- 2021-05-16
- I've added some ~~COLOURS~~, so hopefully interactions like previous one should be more understandable ;w;
Sk: Says the nonsense person
Me: Shush you
Sk: You didn't edit my text, did you
Me: I already told you I only added colour to it, jeez.
If you write some unflavoury things, that I edit. Else is no prob.
Sk: Good.
Me: lol, some people ;w;
- And with that, I added some COLOURS on the homepage too, because I felt like it needed some. Please tell how it looks ^^
- 2021-05-12
- Decided to get rid of the concept star ratings from the Game Reviews webpage, and instead do it another way.
You know, any game I review is at best a 4, rarely lower, if that even comes by.
To account for the rating being so obvious, a fellow will rate it from a critical perspective, may it make sense or not at times.
Sk: I'll do it, and you shall beware, I'm not as soft as this guy
Me: Ay man, whatchu doing over here? Go back to your webpages, you silly!
That reminds me, I should introduce the reader to that fellow... Time to make more About webpages :3 Can't wait for it!
Sk: And I can't wait to make fun of the nonsense that you gonna write
Me: Hey now, you have all chances to write things by yourself, but you never did so far...
Sk: Yes, because you always write about the games first and tell me after, ya dumbo
Me: Alright, here's what we gonna do; for the game reviews thing, I'll give you your own little section in which you can critize the game however you want. All I ask is that you don't go too hard on it. How's that?
Sk: Hmm, that sounds good to me. You'll have to provide the screenshots shall I ask for any
Me: Fine then.
This is kinda a mess... I'll have to make the convos colour-coded at some point ;w;
Sk: What's that? You'll edit my text?
Me: No, I won't do that (for the most part), I'll just add some colour to difference between what I say and what you say.
Sk: Oh boy, that's good to know, I wouldn't like anyone that reads your nonsense to get confused. Good point.
Me: Yes... Wait a bit! Then what is that you write?
Sk: Mine are masterpieces
Me: We'll see about that.
- 2021-05-04
- I added a SiteMap this time around :3
Kinda barebones for now, but better than nothing ig.
That reminds me I had a few other webpages to write too. I'll try ^^
- 2021-04~
- 2021-04-28
- Haven't done much other than cleaning up the home page a bit. Didn't feel that well these days ;;
- 2021-04-23
- I changed the colours around for most webpages because there was not enough purple ;w;
Also, I made a testing ground for the Game Reviews webpages. If you didn't know already, I love writing a bunch of nonsense into this kind of webpages, so check it out if interested ^^ It includes a nice placeholder image that I intend to use more
- Nothing much other than that ;w;
(And yes, I know the index for the Web Experiments doesn't work. Last time it did it wasn't even finished (and still isn't))
- 2021-04-16
- The link in the News webpage didn't work and no one told me ;w;
Does anyone even visit this website anymore?
Wheather you do or not, doesn't matter, I'll work on some restructuring, which will hopefully not make me feel weird of sharing the website URL to others (and see my mess /w\ )
And I'll add more links to the Links section. You thought those were all? You're mistaken... ;w;
I have added a couple pages to the Archive, things I written some day(s) that I forgot to format properly...
Other than that, there will be a webpage with the Ukagaka (includes Shell and related) I've been searching for years. Hopefully someone can help, please and thank you ^^
Have Fun!
- 2021-04-01
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