Year 2 Part 3
From 2022-09 to 2022-07
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- 2022-09
- 2022-09-12
- I added the web experiments :3 Took me long enough...
Look out for when I do more ^^
Not much to talk about today it seems; I hope you have a good day <3
- 2022-09-09
- I decided to get rid of the text in the purple box on the right of the homepage
and replace it with things I'm looking for and the other place(s?) where you can
find me at. In the likely day where this website is no more, at least you can
still get to see my silly dum self somewhere
- Other than that, not much. I wanted to fix up the web experiments and upload them,
but, as always, didn't have enough time. See you the next time, have a good one ^^
- ——
The previous text from the purple box can be found at
the News webpage
- Hi there ^^ I'm sorry for intruding like this,
but because of some silly caching system that I have,
a refresh won't get the lastest content here...
So, if you think the above part does not match the one at the News webpage;
put yo' mouse cursor on the address bar over there, click it, then press Enter.
And do the same for the News one, just in case.
I hope to find a solution soon enough ;w;
Until then, I hope you don't mind this ^^
Oh nice, this made a rainbow!
I didn't even notice it while writing this, only after.
This doesn't seem to be an issue anymore but I'm still gonna keep the text like this
- That's the text that used to be on the homepage, and tbh I wish I can do
more colorful text and be able to see it at the same time. One of the few advantages
of WYSIWYG and template website generators that I don't like ;w;
- 2022-09-02 (2)
- I've changed the symbols at the News webpages because they were too tiny
and it was bothering me lol
- Other than that, I'll try to make it so the ""NEW"" sprite thing from homepage changes based on the
lastest update time date; I tried something like this before but I couldn't get it to work
at the time, so maybe this time I get it to work
- That's all for now, I' m v sleepy and jsut wanted to get this done
- nothre day I'll upolad the WEB experminttens
- Nighto, Imnot gonn abother with the tyops
- 2022-09-02
- I can access the website now, but my point stands. I'm not gonna repeat myself for
the third time, if you read the previous entry, you already know what I'm about to ask ^^
So, if you can, please, and thank you again
- I'm sorry for mentioning it so many times for the past day but I really
don't wanna lose this website and all the silly things me and Sk wrote on it,
some parts of it are still useful and having a website to access
them on is better than having many files in an unorganized folder like I used to...
Yea, this website means a lot to me ;w;
- ——
I wrote a bunch more again, it can be seen on the News webpage
- And oh right, remind me some day to do some drawings for the webpages; I had some ideas in mind,
and I think I'm actually gonna write them somewhere on here so that I don't completely forget about them
I can't commish anyone to do them for me because my pockets are still empty,
so I gotta draw by myself yet again...
Good thing I didn't draw Sk in any complex pose yet,
I don't know what they think about their new design ^^ idk if you know about Nin'i-tan or not,
but my character is an anime girl and Sk is gonna be like the Unyuu ghost thing besides them;
Sk already provides snarky commentary and I think that fits the character, not sure
about Unyuu tho, I've not yet translated those talk files and I know I said I will
at least somewhere, now I said it here too :3
And because this website has some references to Nanika, I thought it'd make sense to
take inspiration from it and make things different enough from the website where this
website all started from (at least the Game Reviews webpages). If you know who I'm talking about, I never intended to copy you
or anything like that; I know in the 'early' days of this website, it may seem like that,
but I was still trying to find my way through and have since improved, I think.
No hard feelings I hope ^^
- I'm sorry that I'm rambling at this point, it's been so long since I last
wrote so much I missed it ;w;
- 2022-09-01 (2)
- And well, I can't even access the website I upload this on anymore, so I don't know
how this text looks, I wrote it in plain text like I always been doing. Yet another reason why I wanna
have my own subdomain on another server...
More written on the News webpage again
If you have some free space, like 1 gig somewhere,
please contact me, please ;w; free webhost is
all I have for this silly website of mine and I do need a subdomain with a root path
(something like
, not
and the like), I'm sorry about it...
PHP and CGI support is not needed but it's not bad if there's support for them.
The ability to upload HTML is a must, and I need something to extract ZIP files on the
server because that's how I'll upload my website files to you (whole website is around 10 megs,
if not even less) , I allow you to take a peek through the files to ensure nothing bad
is put on there and let me know if there is because I don't remember everything me and Sk wrote
I'm sorry if this may seem like a lot, but it really isn't, imo. If you're able to help,
please contact; thank you for reading and possible consideration <3
- Please tell me free webhosts or somewhere to upload my website please ;w; (things like
github, neocities, netlify, won't work, I tried them... I was told
gitlab would allow me to host a website for no cost and that it's better than github, but it
doesn't let me do that, I was lied to...)
If this website stops working please check out the website on github and the Carrd website comming soon ^^
And yes, I have more faith into them than I do in my own website that's on a server I don't own...
- 2022-09-01
- I feel like I may have neglected this website... a bit... maybe more than a bit...
Some possible good news is that I wrote some more code samples for the
Web Experiments webpage that may or may not come useful
for anyone except me, yay
- Other than that, I know I know, in the last entry I mentioned how I'd do more
transcribes for the Nyan Nyan Parasol webpage on a stream, but that hasn't happened yet...
Also, Sk might come back but under another appearance, maybe, we'll see if they like it or not;
nothing's for certain yet
- I remember I made the menu on the homepage a bit more obvious,
because I was told it was confusing, and I appreciate the help, I think it's better now ^^
(please please please tell me what you think about the website, what can be improved,
what I did right and stuff like that please ;w; I plan on adding a guestbook or something
where you can write things without an account (e-mail requires account to keep track of things
if I'm not wrong), and I know some people don't wanna make accounts for thousands of website
*cough* I'm one of those people :3 ), but as always, no one knows when, not even me...
- I miss working on the website... this year's been loaded ;w; Ever since I got the PC
I didn't find much time for myself, most of time I found myself doing things for others
in family, much less for me, which is why you've seen a severe lack of updates this year;
the website requires focus and time, and I rarely had both at the same time
- ——
More on the News webpage where this is currently the only entry on ;w;
- This part of text is not gonna be seen on the homepage, so I see that as a chance for me to
tell you about a Carrd website that's in the works (it's not been made yet, of course...
but it will, and I'll link to it) and it'll contain other places to find me at because
I don't know why I couldn't just make a webpage on this very website here about them--
oh but wait, I did that, but I left it unused, ops; tbf it looked kinda plain, and as much as
I don't like template-based websites and website generators, I kinda have to have some
kind of a fancy webpage in a 'better-known' place to link to instead of a
silly random website domain no one's heard of, y'know
- And yea, I know I could just make a webpage on the website on Github instead, but that one's also lookin' plain and it has other things to
worry about (mainly to me, it's the history feature; if I remove something, it's v easy
to just dig through and bring it back, and sometimes that's not the best thing to happen)
- Also, I almost forgot, I'm planning to add some 'themes' to the website, where they'll
save as cookies(?) or
or whatever fancy word they got, I don't know
how I'll make it work but I'll try something, and of course it's gonna have its separate
webpage where you can set some options and it'll hopefully apply to every webpage that
has the JavaScript that I'm gonna write... some time... Anyway, it's just gonna be a
'light' theme and an option to remove the max-width
from body
, the latter means
that webpages will no longer be in the middle of screen if you got a widescreen,
all the text will be as wide as the screen, because that's why you got the widescreen for, right
(I've seen vids on yt that show a wikipedia article with a tiny text spanning from
the left part of screen to the right, so don't pretend you don't like seeing it like that,
now you gonna have the option :3 )
- ho boi, I just wrote a whole bunch of paragraphs, you can tell how much I missed this ;w;
I just wanna write my thoughts sometimes... Unfortunately, the code for the Web Experiments didn't contain any webpages where I can just write filler text, but I could go back to
some of them where I didn't feel like writing text and do it then, now that's an idea
- Take a look at the previous entry for more links. Some day
I may make anchors for each individual day and month, but that day ain't today, I'm sorry ;w;
I could try to do it in JS and make it kinda like a ToC (not ToS) at top of page and
link to it in every 'heading' of the days; I'll have to make that in JS, indeed,
because there's no way I go through every single entry of every webpage and
you can't make me do that, lol. At least I know how
works now (kinda, it still confuses
me all the time, but when it works it sure does and then I don't touch it and forget what
the syntaxes mean), so that's not as difficult, a bit difficult but not like
the beginning when I first learned about it because ho boi, things like /^[0-9]$/g
went over my head but now it all makes sense, and part of that is gonna be part of
the JS that I'll write somehow
- If you read all the way through and reached this point, then congrats!! You're v poggu!
That's a compliment ^^
- I'll stop writing now, I have to implement this text into the homepage thing and the
News webpage if I remember how; if you read this, then it worked ^^
- I wish you well and see you later ^^ Thank you so much for reading and being around <333
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