Year 2 Part 4
From 2022-12 to 2022-10
← to Year 3 Part 1
to Year 2 Part 3 →
- 2022-12
- (2022-12-30)
- seriously considering leaving twt-alt or at least I gotta try to use it less, it keeps annoying me more than twt lol
- anyway, at some point I'll try my luck at getting a subdirectory with the ~ behind the name, I know, I know how many times I said I didn't want any of these and just a subdomain would be good, but I kinda need a better place to host the game guides/reviews/whatever at, or at least get more peeps to know about NyanPara and whatever else I feel like playing or talking about ^^
- also, btw, I didn't have time to clean up the homepage of the old news entries, ops ;w;
- Sk: not related to anything specifically (haha, what a lie :3 ) but she did give the email address when asked, so who's the one who lost, huh? idc if it's invalid, whatever she claimed to be her email address means she endorses it and considers it true to apply for her. No amount of 'no, that's not right' or what have you will change my opinion on this, it's set in stone and I refuse :3
Nd: Good on ya, but I didn't expect you to care about it lol
Sk: tbh idc, but I've seen way too many peeps consider it an "own" or that she did it to him, and it was annoying me. I wish I could tell it to others but they're stuck with the mentality that 'it's against someone I don't like, so I don't care', and honestly, I don't wanna bother arguing anymore, I'm so tired of it, it never goes anywhere and it's just a waste of time. I do have respect for people who do try and make the world better (you know who you are, if you ever get to read this ^^ this extends to your friends too, they're v cool :3 ) despite being thrown away for their efforts because they happen to like some fictional things. Anyway, that's a topic for another day maybe, I won't bother telling ya the difference between fiction and reality, it should be obvious that many people maybe don't like both at the same time-
Nd: Intruding a bit to tell ya that's right lol, I don't like real people, I'm not attracted by them, but the anime characters are so much better (I've also grown a liking to the vtuber things, but mostly the non-corpo AND non-lewd side of it. I don't like lewd, as you might know, I'm ace ^^)
Sk: y'see, what I tell ya, here you have not really a good example but it's something
Nd: Whatchu mean not good example
Sk: It's my thing to not consider you good in p much every way, isn't it
Nd: Oh right, I always forget ;w;
Sk: yea, yea, that tiny brain of yours always malfunctions and makes you do the wrong things
Nd: Wait, how do you know that??
Sk: I know everything about you :3 Nah, jk, I guessed; maybe
Nd: Maybe??
Sk: With me, it's _always_ a possibility, no question 'bout that
Nd: true that ^^ Also, btw, thanks for considering my friends cool... I don't think you got the chance to interact with them, did ya
Sk: I don't think I did or I can ;w; I'm not used to be out there, I'm mostly supposed to help you out with your things (and get no credit for it, but that's alright)
Nd: It's alright, that can be set up at some point ^^ And about credit, you don't really have an 'Internet presence' besides your name here, do you
Sk: Yea... not yet, but I will :3 (you'll help me with it, ofc)
Nd: Can't wait for it tbh ^^
Sk: ofc you can't wait, I'm likely gonna make fun of you once I'm there :3
Nd: Now I can wait more for it, I'm not sure I'd like for it to happen ;w;
Sk: Knew ya not gonna like it as much lol. You still gonna do it tho?
Nd: yep ^^ but go easy on the 'make fun of' part, I don't want you replying to every single thing of mine (but maybe some things you help me write)
Sk: ok then, we'll see how it goes
Nd: ok ok
- 2022-12-23
- the PSU stopped working for some reason and it made me worried ;w; it started working again but I might need to replace it ;w; I don't wanna go back to the weird phone I used for this and relearn its weirdness and other things
- also, I finally added the previous entries
- I'm not sure if I can properly clean up this section before New Years after this big worry I had to deal with but I hope I can do it well ^^
- Other than that, ye, I'm complaining about things that may be easily solveable but I like to complain, so anyway *shrug*
- (2022-12-20?)
- tbh I thought masta was supposed to keep
me away fro what's happening on the
other place, but it just makes me aware of
things I never even see happening there, lol. So
there are brands and """important""" peeps
who do their thing but I don't follow them
because what do I care. they did something
mildly inconvenient, wow, big deal (said
with the monotone voice). idc whatever that
person is saying for their* yes-men choir. I
consider leaving the alternative, lol, anyway
it's really boring besides that, there's not
much to do, and nothing I do gets any
attention, so what's the point? There isn't
any. I may just stop using it, I thought it was
interesting, but now... I see how it is
* = I will use 'their' regardless of their new
pronounces which don't really seem like they're
for real because it's really confusing (a word/the name of a person).
Honestly all this pronounce debacle is
pointless and bringing up someone's
preference of how to address about them as
a way to make fun of them, and not to mention intentionally using the wrong pronounces and making degrading comments about their appearance and whatnot; that instantly makes
you lose, so great job, you really showed them
- (2022-12-17)
- Made the mistake to check tubmlr and I can't believe people are _actually_ buying the pointless checkmark(s!) (some even have multiple) that are even more useless than what twt provides, and they even _buy_ the physical ones too (yes, there's physical ones, I wish I was making this up)
Sk: people will never fail to surprise me with their absolute stupidity
Not to mention there's a posibility the checkmarks will change to something else or disappear entirely, so what's even the point? And also some people want to force them on others. Joke or not, idc, anything not marked as a joke is not a joke for me, besides jokes are supposed to be funny; forcing people is not a joke neither is it funny
Instead of paying for a company that doesn't even care about you (they always say they do, but believe me, they only see you as numbers with money-bags, and will do anything to get the money-bags; case-in-point the pointless checkmark things, and it worked lol, peeps are so dum-dum), I don't know, you could've given it to some small one-person company with plushies or stickers or whatever-you-into and get yourself one of those, idk just sayin'
I don't think I'm ever going back to that tubmlr website for more than a visit to see how bad things are on there (it didn't get better since I last checked it out, in fact it got even worse)
lookin back I think it was a good idea to just let my account go away on its own and not bother with it, I'm pretty sure it still exists (the old email I used for it works, but idk the pass to the account and can't access that email yet) but I have to reactivate it or something. Seeing all the BS that happens on the dumb-website makes me not want to get back the account, but at the same time I kinda need it to contact a-single-person that I can't reach elsewhere ;w; I'm in this kind of situation with some other platforms too, fb for a-single-group and skype for another a-single-group; I think there's more but I can't remember them all. I'd like to just use one thing (or there can be more that do the same thing but differently) that can connect to all things, but I'm not sure there may ever exist such a thing ;w;
I know me not being there means absolutely nothing to them and honestly I don't care; I'd love to give them less of a thought, that website stopped meaning something to me ever since I stopped using my account, and maybe I did that for a good reason
twt did different coloured checkmarks for different things, and tubmlr is still stuck with the same exact pointless checkmarks and nothing has changed about it
Sk: You could complain about it all day but in the end it doesn't matter, that dumb website is a shttshow that I really wouldn't want to get myself involved with at this time, I'm so tired of it all; at least it's a good garden to keep the stupid people in
Same ;w; let's talk about the other thing, I'm also kinda considering leaving the twt-alt thing, I keep seeing twt on it and things that I don't even see on twt lol, I'm made aware of the parts I'm not interested in on twt from twt-alt meanwhile it was supposed to keep me away from twt, how does that work
all useless things I'm made aware of on twt-alt I never ever see on twt (or at least I never paid attention to it), and now it's right there and multiple times on twt-alt. I never care what all the big bois with the monies do and all the stupidity that happens on there, and good thing is that I don't even see it lol, not sure what I did but it's been like this for a while and I wouldn't change it for anything, meanwhile on twt-alt it's exactly those big bois that I don't care about that are being highlighted
There's also all kinds of pointless other things that I'm really not into but of course it's again right there and multiple times too
Sk: It's the journos isn't it? ye, I getcha, they went a bit too far and got what was expected, but they're highlighted again, and I'm not sure if filtering will work because there's so many variables
I know I can filter out things but that means I'm missing out... I made it so I always see posts with the show-button because I always press it anyway, so idk
I don't think I ever used the mute/block features on twt because I'd go and make it show anyway, so there's no point (besides, there being a specific list of mute/block words and peeps makes me _even more likely_ to seek them out, so yea, it works the opposite way for me ;w; )
- (2022-12-04)
- And now some bad things happened to "the website that's not a website but only an application for the mobile phones" (needs a shorter name, lol) that caused it to go offline for a few days or something, and I don't know how to feel about it...
- I knew something's no-good with it, so with that, I feel confident I can now say 'told ya so' :3 ain't singin up for every random new thing that shows up (or not even 'new thing', the thing I was talking about ain't new, but it clearly is not managed well)
- Anyway, other than that, I feel like I been saying 'other than that' a few too many times but idk lol, let's go beyond and ignore that, anyway (again), nothing significant's been happening, I just felt like writing because why not
- Still not enough time for anything, the usual ;w;
- 2022-11
- 2022-11-30
- brh, instead of mastadon, peeps went to some shady website that's not a website but only an application that is for the mobile phones ;w;
- At this point I just give up, I don't know anymore, there's nothing like 'that website' that I won't name for now, on it I see everything, and that's why I like it. on the other one I only see a few things and it's not as fun
- anyway, am rambling for a bit; I was thinking to get rid of the menu from home page, replace it with a part of what this website is about, and further down the page just do a big ol' link that points to a sitemap-kinda webpage; would make it a bit easier I think
- I also need to include some 'notable' webpages in there, there's quite a few of those that I always go back to, and having them in a single place will save me from having to remember their filenames, lol
- other than that, not sure, in these days I feel like I'm sitting in place, but I've been stressed out by the amount of things I need to do outside of the on-line kinda things; and I wanna do things but it never seems I have enough time for anything, and the little time I have I can only worry about what else needs to be done ;w;;;;;
- I don't know, it's been difficult, too many things are happening at once and I'm worried ;w;
- (2022-11-18)
- I'm not going back to tumblr. If anything, the last time I went on it,
few years ago, I've only experienced confusion and seen some of the
weirdest cr4p. No way I go back there. Also, mastadon didn't work out the way
I expected, I didn't find much peeps on there at all, and it's not really
good use of my time. So I'm back to where I came from ;w;
- Anyway, other than that, not much; still trying to find time and get going
with things ;w; I'm slowly adding things to the carrd website (not the one here), so that's something
- And oh right, I made a better window open
webpage, this one has some extra input text boxes, and you can actually close
the window you opened! wow! Doing it was easier than I thought because
most of the code was already written by me months ago, all I had to do was
edit it a bit and it works, yay!
- Now onto the other webpages I had to start working on ;w; there's
so many things to do ;w;;;
- Also, I'm going to change up part of the homepage, replace the link menu thing
with a link to the SiteMap or something that looks like it, and a link to
the News Entries, because it seems that's mostly all I do on this
website these days ;w;
- 2022-11-13
- I don't really have anything to add at this time, recent times are
making me lose hope but I'm trying my best not to think too much,
and continue regardless. Many times in the past I had to get through bad times
in hopes that things will get better soon, but they never do, things mostly stayed
the same and some just get worse over time, I don't know what to do anymore
- ——
A bit more to be read on the News webpage, I don't
want to make you feel sad
Possibly sad things (click to open)
My ever-increasing list of things to do, among other things, are keeping me
from going away from everywhere (won't go in specifics as to what that'd mean,
you may assume the worst and you'd be right)
but I don't know for how much longer I can keep going. I know
my existence is pretty important for quite some people and I try to be useful
as best as I can, but the environment and surroundings don't seem to care as much.
Recent (and maybe not as recent) situations have shown that the big bois
don't care about individuals, at all; the small and defenseless is taken away
from their place and forced to be something they never asked for and
that's the last we see of them. I don't wanna be one of them, but time goes on
and no one knows what'll happen next
All I want is to live in peace with my plushie and be able to help others without the fear that bad things
can happen at any time and change everything as we know it
I know some of this may not make sense, but honestly I don't wanna go
in specifics, I already feel like crying and specifics won't change much,
you may already have an idea of what I mean and fill in the blanks; even if
what you have in mind is not what I think about, I don't think it's really far off.
If you'd like to have an idea of what's going on, not really specific (click to open)
There's been bad things happening to a certain country very close to mine and
random people are forced against their will to do things they never asked for;
peeps are not able to get away from stress (they'll go from a stressful
environment (school) to another (the one with grass-colours and
dangerous machinery)) because a big boi has too much power. They have to fly from
the country, simply because they don't wanna be involved in any of this, and
who can blame them. I remember I was told that in my
country, going to that environment used to be forceful and you'd have no choice, and I don't want things to be as
they used to be. I was also told that it'd have been better if it was still like that, but honestly, if I was
forced to go there after I finished school, I wouldn't come back, that'd be
the last time you'd ever see me, no sugar-coating. It's not the same as being
forced to go to some exams _twice_ (I can go to the exams at any point in time, it didn't have to be exactly after school, but no one listened to me), that is one thing;
having to spend an entire year or more time away from home
in an environment that is as unfriendly as it gets, is another.
Not gender-locking it to be men-only is a step to the right direction but
I wish this was done years ago, many many years ago. So many things should've
been different but it's too late to change anything from the past, most you can
do is not care too much what someone presents themselves as, if they are male-presenting,
female-presenting, or whatever; just try to be respectful if they just want peace
because people can be really unaccepting sometimes
People with a different gender than what they were born with is not a recent thing,
but this is not the place to be talking about it yet
- In more light-hearted news... I have published the carrd website a few days ago but
that's about it, there's not much else I can think of ;w; Been coughing
since a few days after I got rid of the cold and I messed up the sleeping again.
I hope this can lift the mood a bit and let you know I'm only a human,
trying their best to get through and that you're not alone ;w;;;
- Also, I decided I'll get rid of the very old entries on the homepage
before the next year ^^ I only have to find some time and compare them to see
if it's the same text between webpages. I copy-paste from one place to the other
and sometimes change things in one place but not the other, so idk. I'll use
for it and some online text comparer thing to make sure.
I can only wonder what will I do when I decide to get into RSS again ;w;
I'm trying to get used to writing simple sentences as starting point for
longer paragraphs so maybe it's not as difficult, but should I include the
whole thing in the RSS feed? That I'm not sure yet, but I don't think I will.
If I use RSS, it's just to see things at a glance, if I'm interested
in something, I'd copy the link and open in a web browser or use the Terminal
(still using lynx
for the simpler stuff :3 and mpv for the YT vids )
- If what I wrote on the News webpage is what gets this website locked, then it's been
nice being here ;w; _please_ contact me if you have some spare space on a web server and
a subdomain to host it on, _pleaseeeeee_ ;w;;;;;;;;
- (2022-11-11)
- Well then, some stuff happened at twitta and it basically forced my hand to publish the
website in its unfinishedness and make a mastodon account _just in case_. Like I told,
that carrd website is unfinished at the time of this writing and I intend to add most of the
things that can be found on the carrd
recreation thing from this website, and some more things, on there
- Also, I copied part of the previous news entry onto the homepage because
that's what it was for, lol
- ——
More to be read on the News webpage
- Other than that, today is a bit rushed and I'm worried for the future ;;
trying not to think too much into it. I really hope I don't lose contact with
my friends ;;;;;; why did that guy do all these things, why; that dum silly
website can be useful for various things, and I'd like to still see it in a
few years ;; I have a nice experience with it and I've met lots of
cool peeps ;w; I really don't know where to go or what to do, there's no other place
like it where you can see some of everything; and the people going 'oh, you can live
without it, you don't need it in the first place', either don't understand or
are glued to fb or some other thing. They may also not be introverts and not
understand anything about them for that matter, but I won't go into it ^^ For many
people, that dum website is the main place other peeps use to receive updates
and such, without it I don't know where else they can do the same (and no,
don't suggest e-mail because most people don't read it
or don't even bother to check it in the first place (I've read that several
people are annoyed simply by a monthly newsletter _they_ subscribed for,
so yea, what can I tell ya)). For me it is the
silly place in which I can reach other peeps with because irl it's all boring
and monotone and almost always someone reminds me of the everyday pain
and suffering we call reality; at least on-line I can take a step back and
not think about reality too much, at least for a few hours, irl is not the same
- I know I said I try not to think about it but I don't know man ;w;
- 2022-10
- 2022-10-24
- Alright, I've done big things to the carrd website recreation thing that will
be linked on the homepage, no worry ^^
- I've not prepared for this moment, but anyway, if you're here from the
carrd website, first of all, welcome!! Welcome to whatever this place
is supposed to be ;w; Anyway (again), I use this website as a playground to use HTML
and such in hopefully useful ways (many times not useful), and I also write
my thoughts and all kinds of stuff here. As previously noted, and I can't
stress this enough, please mind the dates; I have many things either I or
Sk wrote a whole bunch of time ago when we didn't understand much or
I wasn't in a good place mentally, and we may have changed in the meantime
(Sk maybe not, but don't worry about them).
other than that, thank you so much for checking this out!! I won't bore you
with details, but soon enough I may add more webpages to the Game Reviews
which I'm pretty sure there's at least someone out there looking for more
(excluding myself :3 ), I'll add the missing webpages in Web Experiments and
I'll add more to Links when I find them ^^ (it's been a while and
I miss looking for them ;w; )
- Anyway (once again), I got rid of the cold but I messed up the sleep schedule
in the process ;w; Pretty much nothing goes according to plan for me, the usual ;w;
- I had this website here for quite some time and never knew how to properly
'announce' it because I'm not consistent with adding things on it ;w;
- Because you've read this far, you can partially see how the carrd will
look like, with this webpage I used for testing the coloured headings ^^
- 2022-10-18
- Added previous entry I wrote some days ago and ye, I think
I may use this as a blog sometimes
Anyway, the carrd website is still in the works, and I'll try to 'mirror' it
here somehow, make it with my own styles and such :3 it's kinda pointless tbh,
having the exact same thing in 2 places, but whatever, I wanna try :3
Other than that, I caught a cold some days ago and I'm trying to get better
I wish you a good day :heart: -
Reminder for me to remove v old entries from the homepage to save up some space ^^
- (2022-10-11)
- Once I make the carrd, I'll link to this website and add more webpages specific
to be linked from the carrd :3 I'll try to find a place for them on here, but idk yet
Also, not sure when I start working on the web experiments, but whatever
I was thinking of switching the 'News' to be some kind of blog or a 'Diary'
like they used to be before I changed things up at the beginning of the website ^^ -
More can be seen on the News webpage
Sk: It's gonna take you a whole bunch of time to get that thing done lol
Nd: yo sk you back!!
Sk: Yes, and I'm here to wreak havoc :3
Nd: Whoa there, easy bud, that's how you return?
Sk: lol yea, ofc
Nd: oh boi, that's so you ;w; I missed ya a bunch ;w;;;;; where you been
Sk: You've not been doing game reviews or whatever those were for many so
many months, so I kinda took a leave, and I see you still not doing them;
maybe I'll go back to where I was
Nd: I know I've not been doing them for a long time ;w; Ever since I have
the PC, I've been busy with other things and time got less and less ;w;;;
I talked about this some days ago, see if you can find it (maybe even a month ago or something)
Sk: ho boi, you wrote some things, you wrote a lot since I was gone;
hol' on, I'll skim through some news
Nd: ok sure
Sk: I see you also had some problem with the web host; you're still on that one from a year ago lol,
still didn't find any yet?
Nd: Nop ;w; goes to show almost no one reads this website but whatever; I'm gonna link to
this website from elsewhere, so please be around to welcome the visitors when I do it, please ^^
Or you can leave a message now and I'll repeat it at that time
Sk: idk if I'll be here for it, lol, it's my thing to make fun of you, but I'll
still write a message this one time, so here goes: welcome to this silly mess
of a website that Nd has made, I hope you have fun or whatever, _try to_ have fun,
and see if something interests you; nothing really interests me on this website lol
Nd: ye... thanks Sk
Sk: no prob, I think that's the last time I do something nice for you
Nd: I wasn't seeing a second time anyway
Sk: good for ya
Nd: Also, hmm, there was something I wanted to ask ya; let's see if I remember
Sk: That's gonna take a while...
Nd: Ohh right, would you mind if you're represented by a blob ghost creature thing instead
of someone who looks like the representation of how I'd like to look like?
Sk: w-what did you just say??
Nd: I think pictures might be easier to make the point come across, but I'll
still try with words again: you know you have that character with puke-green hair
and whatever, they represent you; so instead of them, you'd have a ghost creature
(humans are difficult for me to draw, lol, I wanna simplify where possible)
Sk: You still draw? lol; I've not seen any drawing you did but whatever then,
you can draw me as a ghost, idc
Nd: Ohh... that was easier than I thought
Sk: well yea, I don't really care what you do on your website anymore lol
Nd: that's... nice to know ig, thanks?
Sk: just don't make me do things I wouldn't; I don't trust ya with the drawings, y'know
Nd: dw, I won't; I don't make disposable art meant to make someone seem bad or whatever,
and I don't see it as a good use of my limited time
Sk: good to know
Nd: Other than that, anything more to add?
Sk: It's nice to be back, but not nice that you've not added anything to the game reviews,
it's exactly the same as I last saw it lol
Nd: pls don't blame me again for that ;w;;;
Sk: well that was fun, hope to see you again soon ^^
Nd: wait for a bit, if I have placeholder text to write, can I ask you to talk?
Sk: I don't know why you felt like you need permission for this, but sure, you can;
talk to me about whatever when doing the weird web things of yours and I'll
pretend I understand it
Nd: You don't have to pretend; I would show you things and you could comment on them
or talk about whatever is on your mind, like we're doing at this time ^^
Sk: well yea, but I have no idea what those things would even mean lol
Nd: heh, whatevz then, we'll see; talking to you again was really nice, I liked it ;w; should do it more
Sk: very rare for me to say this but that's something I agree with
Nd: Thanks man!
Sk: don't get used to it; now I'm gone, 'till next time, see ya
Nd: np, see ya then
- 2022-10-07
- I'm gonna add this to the homepage but I'll write this here before I forget
- At some point (soon enough), I'll add this website to the carrd
and I have to tell you by now that
many things on here are quite old and
don't necesarily reflect me in the present and my current opinions;
some may have changed, others not, so take the things you read on here
with some salt and note the dates. Most things were not written yesterday
or a month ago; I have things written years ago, and unsurprisingly,
some things may have changed since then
- Also, first news for this webpage and it's this... No worry, there's still
some Web Experiments to even start, and I've added some links
specifically so that I don't forget about them (because I keep forgetting ;w; )
I'm sorry I'm not that active on the website as I used to ;w;;; Still looking forward
to a better webhost btw
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