The MuraSora Zone

Year 5 Part 1
From 2025-03 to 2025-01
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- 2025-03
- (2025-03-16 09:04AM)
- y'know how I said that things might break? I can't use the web browser extensions
anymore, and I can't go to the website to see if what I'm writing looks good on it
anyway, there's still 200 vids to download, and it takes hours to even get 10 of them (not to
mention uploading, that takes longer) -
for the playlist things I decided to do things differently, make use of tags, but that'll still
not get all of them because some don't have every tag, so those are exceptions. and it works better this way
because there are more results, including some I couldn't find before. anyway, I'll
make a separate webpage for all of these and my settings and such, that I was
supposed to do last year and I actually need them at this point,,, I couldn't even make
a tutorial for myself ;w; I need to set up the things and I needed a tutorial made by me,
but it looks like I'll have to do the things in whatever way I can and make
the tutorial on the way, because I'll need it again if I remake my setup
still nothing about the HDD adapter, and the person I was asking has completely
forgot about it, so I have to remind them again. kinda don't like how no one else
knows technology besides me,,,
- 2025-03-12 08:02AM
- well not only do I have to download the videos, I also have to reinstall the OS
because some things will randomly stop working,,,
I wanna finish downloading the things before I move things and misplace them ;w;
- some inactivity may be possible in this month, I hope I can come back soon ^^
I also have to set up some things yet again,,, that might take a while
- 2025-03-09 06:33AM
- been some time,,, still trying to get the videos, and not been able to do much else,,,
It's alright tho, there's not much left (after doing some calculations,
there is much left,,, oh boi, there is a lot, I have around 600 hours to download,
so far I only got 50h downloaded and 10h uploaded). 1 hour is around 1 GB,
in total that might be a little below 600 GB, but it's all so slow that
I'm not sure I'll be able to get all of them, but I'm trying
- some updates from previous time:
No idea what happened to the HDD adapter, I never heard back from them,
I'll have to try asking for one of those again,,, I really wanna make some use of the spare HDD
that was given to me for some reason and install windows on it and use Win Movie Maker
and download the videos onto it and figure out if the problem is the SSD (it is,
I'm mostly sure of it) and that if I put windows on the HDD and use it instead
it'd be faster, I wanna know ;w;
trying to get myself to continue the playlist flash thing and the text files with
the list of files ^^
the anime drawings and some other things (such as crispy raw WMV video files,
some of which are the test videos uploaded on my second channel, the latest
few vids on my oldest channel, and the GTA replays from my other channel.
there's also a few vids I've never uploaded anywhere, such as one inspired
by Notepad yt tutorials and me writing some ambiguous word in japanese and
english back-and-forth on an old version of gTranslate. There's also a tutorial
on how to make one of those circular rotating backgrounds in PS (basically a
pattern of 2 repeating colours and apply the radial effect to it; optionally
paint a gradient that goes transparent on one end, and apply the radial effect
so the transparent bit is outside, on the edges) It's not so easy to explain,
but at the same time I can't make it available because it leaks some information,,,)
might end up on archive.org , if nowhere else
- Anything else? tbh I just hope some of the things that I do might come
useful to at least someone ^^ (but maybe besides myself) If what I do is useful
for you, please let me know somehow, please,,, I don't really know if I should
continue with what I do if it's not useful ;w; Maybe someone has told me
what I do is useful, but I can't remember,,, I'm not good with memory, I forget
all the time, I'm sorry, please remind me if you did ^^
- 2025-02
- 2025-02-23 07:29AM
- well then, so many things are happening and I need to do so many things again ;w;
so, some of them are currently on hold and may be dealt with another time,
but here's what I think I'm doing or I wanna do:
- I made the mistake of saving highlights in twitch and now I have to download and
upload them somewhere else, but also watch and edit some of them
- BUT I can't download them yet because I don't have enough storage space,
I can only do one at a time
- SO, I have found some old external HDD from back when I was given the old laptop
or something like that, someone else didn't need them and they were given to me ^^
the old laptop has found a use, with the liveUSB and the downloading of images onto there
(got a thousand of them again, and again many of them are unavailable,,,
there's also many duplicates, I'll just put them in a single folder and
write on a text document which ones are unavailable)
- so anyway, I need a way to connect the laptop to the external HDD, and I can't just
put it in there, it's one of those big ones because, apparently, there's multiple
types and sizes of HDDs; and this one doesn't fit in the laptop or the wrapper
that goes in place of the DVD drive (remember those? anyone still use them? ^^). I don't know where I put the
HDD to USB thing that could make this work, so have to get another one and wait for that,,,
- I found my old plans of making a playlist of flash games from a certain TV channel,
because I couldn't find any where I looked, and trying to search for the TV channel
as publisher or developer doesn't turn in complete results (it's quite incomplete,
missing some games, and I don't know which ones exactly those are) ;
so I have to download every single swf/dcr from the webarchive versions of
every single website from the TV channel that I could find; and it's not as simple
as just putting them into an input box, I also have to browse through some of them
and look for CDN URLs because they have those too. trying to explain it all
is quite difficult, I might just make a base webpage with the results and
how I got to them ^^
- and there's also many many text files with a list of files I have in some places
I can't really reach easily, but I have to figure out where did I even got
them from, and it's a lot of different types of files: anime drawings,
windows software, GTA mods, and games, and also cursors, and fonts. Many of the
websites I got those from are not available anymore or the files are long gone,
and I wanna know what even is available so I don't waste my efforts making
duplicate archives. Most of the time I can't even open the files, so I have
to search for their filename, that in most cases is just random letters
that doesn't really point me anywhere useful
- for the anime drawings, old folder I randomly saved images I liked,
I made it as a 2GB zip archive, and I really don't feel like
image searching every single one of them, so I'll just upload it somewhere as is;
but that's not the only place I have anime drawings at,,, and that's one of
the problems I have, everything is all over the place and mixed with
everything else, I can't make sense out of it; which is why I always gave up
trying to organize it lol, I tried to organize everything at once. I might try
one at a time, but I can't really do it at this time because of the videos
I need to save and upload elsewhere, as stated in the beginning of this text,
and that one takes even more time,,,
- I also have to make another GTA replays video and the webpage for them,
and I have to watch all the videos for anything that might be useful;
but keep in mind it's almost 600 hours of videos, and I don't even know what to
save or not anymore ;w;
- And also make a video about the GTASA power lines and how they
are connected, along with a map and connecting the dots placed in it (dots are
the coordinates of every telepole in the map game files), some of them are not
connected to anything, and some powerlines are solid or some objects are
rendered in-front-of them when they shouldn't be; those things are interesting
to me, which is why I wanna make that video, but I need to record myself
going around the city and looking everywhere, and all of this takes a while,
and also edit with Windows Movie Maker that I currently can't use because
it doesn't work on linux; and the laptop HDD was not doing well, so they
replaced it with an SSD that freezes the laptop all the time and I can't do
anything on it, so I have to use the external HDD but I can't do that yet
because I can't connect it, so I have to wait, and I don't wanna wait
because some of these things should've been done years ago,,, why do things
have to be like this ;w;
- So yea, feeling a bit overwhelmed, but even that is too little said,,,
- 2025-02-14 04:51AM
- decided to replace the empty 'feeling' title with the design it used to have,
without it, lol
- wanted to see if I could video edit on linux with wmm, and of course I can't,,,
I can't really do much on it currently, I wanna go back to windows,,, why did I ever
think this would be a good idea ;w;;;
- Anyway, not sure what else,,, hopefully I have some time in following weeks to
get some things done ^^
- 2025-02-12 07:28AM
- few hours later I got 2 thousand images more, still connected by
cable instead of wifi,,,
- also figured out how to install the wine thing on the weird setup I have;
because I have low space on the liveUSB, I had to symlink some folders,
and now it works, I can't believe it was that simple
- Anyway, I got nothing else for now, still trying to set up some things;
or I wanna try doing that, hopefully sooner than later,,,
- 2025-02-10 06:42AM
- It seems I figured out why the wireless wifi isn't working, and it's because of drivers,,,
the previous version of linux that I was using has wireless wifi and it works and connects,
but for some reason something was disabled or removed and now it doesn't work anymore, not properly.
but whatever, icba to figure out the problem and what to do, and I can't stand
the small speeds of 7.0kB/s (yes, that's 7.0 kiloBytes) and then turns to nothing
and the 'net connection doesn't ever come back; so I found an ethernet cable and I've been
using that instead (and had to move the laptop near the router because
the wire is too short, of course). Times like this make me wish I had a
steam deck so I would've been able to already have done these long ago, but I digress
- Anyway, while trying to get the images, many of them are now inexistent
because of course they are, why would anything be reliable on the Internet,
absolutely no reason for it to change. There's no other place to find them at,
which is why I save them in the first place, so they don't get lost again. '404' file errors
there's not much I can do, I'd need the help of others for that, but
from the sound of it, those files don't exist anymore,,, '403'
maybe works with trying again, I don't know yet. I also don't know how to
compare between what I have to get and what I got, and I don't feel like
downloading everything again, this batch took quite a few hours to do
And yea, I don't do these manually (except for gathering the URLs at first),
I downloaded these with wget :3 if you'd like an explanation on whatever
all these things mean, please let me know ^^ (and hopefully I won't forget at the time,,,)
- I think that's it for now, things are slowly getting done ;w;
well, not everything, there's still something else (many other things, in fact)
that I wanted to do for quite a while, and I don't know when I'll be able
to do them,,, they involve a bunch of filename searching,,, was thinking of
'outsourcing' these, I don't really wanna keep everything to myself, y'know.
Problem is, who knows how to do this kind of things other than me, and
also who is willing to? That's a rarely seen combination, I don't think
I've met anyone like that yet. As I mentioned before, much of those things
could still be useful, and I'll try to continue at least a part of it at some point
- still kinda have to clean up some of my setup (again) and move things around (again),
not really a good thing if things are always in my way,,,
- unrelated, how did I manage to install the wine thing on the old laptop
with the old linux thing? I can't seem to do it anymore and I've not documented
my steps properly (at least one of them changed, by the looks of it),
been thinking I've not waited enough, but after 1 hour of staring into that
'wine is being configured' window, I thought it'd be done by then. I'll try
giving it more time next, we'll see
- 2025-02-07 04:37AM
- I think I managed to fix the sleep (again),,, and I hope it stays like this.
Now I have to figure out what I wanted to do, and I have no idea where to even start ;w;
We'll see, I think; currently I don't have anything to show, I'm sorry ;w;;;
maybe in next days I'll have something done, until then ^^
- 2025-02-01 11:51AM
- I feel like there was more I wanted to add the other day, but it looks like
I didn't; but anyway, one of these days I'll try to actually save the images
and a few other things that I wanted to get done. It's gonna be quite difficult
tho, because idk why the Internet connection on the laptop is kinda weird,
for some reason it doesn't work right (and it only happens on it), and windows is freezing up
all the time. I have no idea how to fix it, I just formatted it few weeks ago,
didn't even change much
- One theory for why the Internet connection doesn't work right on it,
is because of a member in the same room, if they happen to browse the
certain phone application with the 'portrait-mode videos that load instantly
the moment you scroll to them' and they're connected to the same wi-fi network,
all the data goes to them. The moment they left and closed it, the Internet
connection worked and I couldn't believe how significantly faster it was.
With them around, it'd take more than a minute for something simple
such as my homepage(s) ; after they left, pretty much everything was loaded
in a few seconds. I told them to not use the phone application
on the same wi-fi as I do and use their mobile data instead, because I don't want
anything to do with that application on my network, but they always forget
- Anyway, not gonna add whatever I feel atm to the title thing, because not even I know,
I'm slightly annoyed, just 'slightly'
- Other than that, I don't know, I'll have to find some time and figure out
how the windows part I left on the computer works, and try to get back into
using windows again. that, and make a live-usb thing, and also some way of
getting a windows DVD ISO again
- 2025-01
- 2025-01-31 10:17AM
- What do I say and what do I do the next day? Nothing, because I messed up
my sleep again. of course, why would I do anything else, I hate myself
- 2025-01-30 07:32AM
- well then, it looks like I kinda got busy with other things,,,
clearing some backlog of old game achievements, without recording
because I'm a dum-dum,,, but anyway, I could make a table or something
and document my thoughts on how I did it, so I might be able to do it
again and record that time - Other than that, there's also a lot of pictures to save, and also
some other things from a website that's no longer available in my region
for some reason. I found a way to access it, but it's slowwwww ;w;
- still hope I can get these done soon ^^
- At the time of writing I've not really done much to show, so,,,
remind to myself to get something done lol
2025-01-24 09:57AM
feeling pretty well
- I'll try to fix some links to webpages and point them to the right things;
I know I say this kind of things all the time, but I might actually do it this time ^^
- Other than that, it looks like I have to improve on the webpage
with games I played ;w; make it 'stand out' on its own and such
- and also add more things to the other homepage, maybe
way too many things need to be done, it's quite a lot ;w;
(not to mention my unfinished projects that I completely forgot about,,,
hopefully they may come useful someday; and indeed the 'software list' one
would've come useful (if it was done) because I actually needed it when
fixing that old laptop,,, it'll also come useful for when I make the windows VM
with the custom shell and document my findings, but that's not for today ^^)
2025-01-20 07:13AM
feeling idk
- Fixed some broken and/or placeholder 'links' in an 'old' homepage, finally, lol
and I also replaced some webpages (that were not supposed to be indexed)
to point to the right place. soon I'll maybe just move everything
and sort them better, but that's not today,,, - also it's very cold, I have to wear a blanket and a scarf ;w;
- Later edit: forgot to update the webpage with the newer News webpage links,,,
well, whatever, I don't feel like doing that every time, I'll maybe have to make
a JS thing for it instead, maybe I'll do it that way ^^
2025-01-19 06:18AM
feeling interested
- randomly decided to figure out the history of the News webpage style,
for some reason, I don't know, thought it'd be interesting ^^
it is interesting, but with how everything is all over the place
and everywhere, trying to gather the necessary info has been so difficult,
you can't imagine ;w;
thanks me for sorting things in a weird way with random linebreaks and such,
and not removing the old styles, building on top of the previous ones (lol),
with that I was able to maybe restore a few styles ^^ - later edit 2 hours later: here's the unfinished webpage for now ^^
(2025-01-18 09:17AM)
feeling thinking
- won't be posted until next few days, whatever, I'll write it now
- Done the webpage with games I played :3
what's left to do is fix some styling and make a single webpage for all of them,
again, because I've done it before but it's quite outdated ;w;
and I also need to make separate files for every style things instead of
copypasta everytime
I wrote that webpage in so many hours, it better be worth it lol - Anyway, other than that, previous year I said to myself that I wanna
save some yt vids and a lot of twt posts with images (over 10k in fact, yes that's a 1
and 4 digits after it, it's gonna take quite a lot of gigs to do it all,,, ),
this year I better do it at some point ;w;
I know I should maybe contact someone and help me out, but I kinda
don't wanna make the data public (yet), y'know how it is. or at least
not until I find a good contact avenue to let me know what to remove from it,
but at this point idk if I'll be taking removal requests, we'll see - I maybe should reorder or remake the menu from the carrd webpage,
that is most likely gonna replace the main webpage;
but I don't know yet, everything is everywhere and it's confusing me so much ;w;;;
There's also the portal or redirect webpage that I also wanna do something with it,
but I also don't know ;w; - Still trying not to think of the bad situation and the bad things going on,
please stop playing around and start doing better; I'm so tired of everything tbh
- Anyway, other things: I'll maybe think about before I post this ^^ if not, then I won't
2025-01-13 06:28AM
feeling hopeful maybe
- fixed my sleeping, for real this time I hope; there's other things
not up to me to fix, and let's not worry about them here
- Anyway, besides that, in upcoming days, at some point in some day,
I'll have to make a webpage with the games and things that I'd like to do
for this year; because there's quite a lot of them, and it needs to be
written somewhere so that I don't forget lol
- Besides that too, I don't know what else to say tbh, still trying to
get some things in order, slowly,,, the laptop that had a broken OS had its
HDD replaced, and I installed some windows 10 version on it, so now it works
(kinda), I couldn't find drivers on the official webpage for it, so I had to
use some software and that one did the thing somehow; now it's some
other things' turn to see if they work and how they work
Soon after that I'll have to switch this from linux to windows so I can play
my silly games again ;w; I'll miss having pretty much everything possible to do
from the command line, but maybe I can still do these in a VM - currently these are just some thoughts, but they need to stop being thoughts
because I'm kinda getting impatient, y'know
(2025-01-04 07:36AM)
feeling bad
- I thought this year was gonna be better, but it looks like it's not gonna be
I maybe gotta rush some incomplete projects before I start doing others, or something like that
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry if I do or have done anything bad - currently just so tired of everything and I really don't see a way out of it. easy to say to keep on living when you're in a comfy bed and watching TV while I can't even do that; it's so cold even under some clothes I covered myself with, and I can't watch TV because it's depressing what they showcase. I can't even bring myself to watch comedy shows anymore, and they don't have much effect on me, you can tell how much depressed I got
please bring me to the end of year and make things better, please - maybe the few years ago weren't the best, maybe having to be home and spending time with some family wasn't so good (it kinda was in some aspects), but at least I wasn't living in fear of the next day. This all started some time ago and you likely know what happened, I'm not gonna repeat it, ever since then it made me depressed and I've hardly recovered; every time I think I feel kinda better, all it takes is reminding me these things are happening, then I feel bad again
few years ago I was thinking that it's gonna be 1000 days before things go bad and need to change for the better (I think I was at the place with the red plus on it and/or I was depressed some day), every few days I'd go to a calendar and mark off days; last time I looked at it was last month, still 3 digits of days left, but it's less than a half, I didn't wanna rush it and wanted to do things when they can be done. I didn't wanna rush things. I think the summer after the next one is gonna be one of the most difficult; if I look back on this and find that it is much easier, then I demand a hug and some caressing words (and also to take me with you if it really is better). If the day I look back to this is a good day, I just want you to know, please be safe, please stop all this happening,,, (if it's not better, then I don't wanna know, I don't wanna think, don't let me know; and you can't fault me for that) - I really wanna stop sugarcoating the situation, tell what it is exactly, but there's no way I can directly talk about it without personal information and/or making me in tears in the process, so I'm sorry for that
- I don't wanna harm myself, there's not much need for that (and I've already seen how it is, because of something that wasn't even my fault), I already eat a whole less than before because there's barely anything to eat anymore, we can't afford much things, and I think we may stop water and bring bottles instead (that'll make dish washing more trouble, so please don't) ; cable TV and 'net are in a pack, so you might get rid of cable TV because I've not watched much of it, but others from here do; powerlines is kinda important so don't mess with that. And that's what I could think of, unless these get cheaper or something changes and I can afford more things even if they got more expensive, then I'm not sure. I never knew how to ask for funds on the Internet, and I've never done it before, but it looks like I'll kinda have to learn,,, As for the reasons why, I don't know, I wanna eat more than half of a bread per day, y'know
- Wasn't expecting to write a lot, but I always seem to do more when I feel bad. Goes to show what helps me getting away from ending it all
(2024-12-30 06:45AM)
feeling hi hi
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