Year 4 Part 3
From 2024-09 to 2024-07
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- 2024-09
2024-09-28 03:32AM
feeling surprised
- Searched my website name on ddg, like I do
almost monthly, and I'm pleasantly
surprised to see more than the homepage is
there ;w;
- Come to think of it, in my 'migration'
from the previous webhost, I didn't
include a robots.txt file, neither did I
include HTML comments in the opening
webpages (oh ops, that was a bit too direct,,,
it's supposed to be a bit of a secret,
y'know), maybe learn about sitempas along
the way
- I don't really have any restrictions for
this website yet, as not everything is
copied over to here;as for the sitemap, I
wonder if that'll make it so the result
for the homepage link also contains the
links to lists below it, or maybe that
requires some extra markup,,, I don't know
yet ^^
- Anyway, last update on this webpage I
think; I'll prepare the next one by now,
and need to figure out where I left some
old revisions of what used to be Diary
webpages (currently called News)
2024-09-27 04:34AM
feeling kinda
- Went ahead and added emotes for a few previous entries, and looking at them
in 100% zoom at a 720p resolution makes everything look so tiny, lol;
and instead of being like a few other websites I've seen that change things
around depending on resolution, I don't do any of that (in these webpages)
or at least not yet but anyway; you might have to zoom in at least to 200%
to be able to see things better or something idk
- And since no one complained about my choice of 14px base-font everywhere
and 1.2 line-height, I'm gonna keep them as is; might do away with
the outline style, currently being a dotted border, just remove it and let
the web browser do whatever. The original idea was to make things at least
consistent between web browsers, but outline is something I'm not good at,
my bad
- Adding the feeling thing made me think of RSS titles for some reason, lol,
I'm not sure if I'll add those as titles, but we'll see; I might just
put the date as the title and see how it goes, idk yet
2024-09-27 04:19AM
feeling disappointment
- While the obnoxious moving png image across the screen is heh whatever,
unprompted audio is defo not(!) I had the misfortune of stumbling across
a several(!) websites that had audio play every time you click something,
and some that played audio the moment you entered the webpage. This is due to
the audio is on by default thing, and something to do with won't play until
user interaction, whether intentional or not. There is no easy solution
to this, I just wish it wasn't that common for websites linked to from others.
If it's your personal project that only you and whoever you want to see
can access, then whatever do whatchu want; if it's something meant for the
public and anyone and everyone, at least have a splash webpage and mention
that audio is gonna follow on the next webpages after you click to enter(!)
that part is important, the splash webpage should have the bare minimum to
function, it shouldn't contain any of your stupid bloated obnoxious nonsense;
least you can do is not make the tab crash, as it has happened before from
not one but more "neo" websites, that I don't remember linking,
but anyway, for some reason many of those webpages end up bloated and slow down
the computer, and some don't even display properly on mobile due to some
absolute-positioning BS (and they have the audacity to tell us to revisit when
we go to a computer, well then I won't, lol, I won't visit your bloated
website again). I may have mentioned before that easy access to these
web-making things might not have been the best idea, and that the lack of
creativity in which you're only allowed to change colours is actually a
good thing, and I know it seems quite hypocritical of me saying that on an
HTML website all hand-crafted by me, but idk, the difference is that
I actually visit my website in several web browsers in several use-cases
(yes, I even visited it in one of those web browser simulator),
including slow laptop, which most people making those obnoxious websites might
have not done so, until then they'll see it takes like a whole minute
to load a single webpage on a not so good internet connection, as opposed
to like 10 seconds on my website - There's nothing I can do to change anything and I don't expect my words to
make any change whatsoever, the point of this was maybe to test the emote thing
at top of this thing, lol; I might go back and add it to some previous entries,
if I can figure out how I felt at the time
- Thinking of that made me think of the AI chat thing and made me wonder
if it knows who I am and such; hmm, I could make a webpage about that and
try to replicate the style. Y'know, something I like to do is look at something
and try to make it myself, I tried that a few times and hopefully I remember
to edit this text with some examples and maybe another time add the
inspiration for them
2024-09-26 04:21AM
feeling wondering
- I kinda made it work I think, I wonder how it looks like ^^
oh btw, I should put all 'revision' styling things of the news webpages onto somewhere,
it used to look a bit different I think,,, good thing with my messy keeping of things,
I may be able to get some of them back, big maybe tho
- Also made sure not to break things with this change, even tho I still kinda need to
rewrite this whole webpages' style, again,,,
- Good on me for stopping to include these things on the homepage every single time,
can actually focus on writing and improving it without the fear that I'll have to
edit it there too ^^
2024-09-25 05:24AM
feeling heartful
- soon will be experimenting with adding some kind of 'feeling' emote thing to the
News webpages, now that they turned into some kind of blog thing after all
(they've turned into that some time ago, but I noticed it again :3 )
- Anyway, not much other than that I think; was supposed to add more to the
Nyan Para webpages, but didn't, lol,
I wanted to make some kind of an index but idk when I'm gonna go around it
and do it,,, ohh right, and add images to it too ;w;
- Also need to make a webpage for next months again, aaaaaaaa lol I kinda forgot how
- And yea, it seems some peeps actually like those stupid things from
previous entry post thing, I don't know how to remove them with userscripts,
but nothing can go wrong with NoScript, right, it removes every kind of
javascript from the webpages, there's no way the webpages actually need
all that silly mess to work,,, (they do, of course they do,,, I hope I can
find a way to remove the dumdum javascript at least ^^ ; and CSS
because it can also be used to do no good,,,)
2024-09-21 02:58AM
feeling annoyed
- wait, do people actually like an obnoxious png running around the screen and
chasing the mouse? I find that really annoying lol, I feel like I'm in the minority here,,,
The only 'obnoxious' thing that I'll allow myself to have is that silly png
at the bottom right from the homepage that scrolls with the webpage, that's it :3 -
Note to self: block
from every single website,
I'll have to add that name to a webpage because there are even more obnoxious
JavaScripts and such that are inline'd and as such can't be easily
removed without userscripts
2024-09-20 03:05AM
feeling sadge
- Another problem was also constantly sleeping at the wrong time for the past
few 5+ days, but thankfully I managed to fix that (for now), hopefully it won't
happen again, because I don't even know what I'm supposed to do now,,,
I know I left myself some things to do, but I never write them anywhere,
and I always forget that my mind forgets and doesn't remember things
if there's something for me to remember, it's that I can't remember, lol
- I should stop thinking that I'll remember later, because I won't,
I have no recollection of anything ;w;
- Anyway, have a good day or whatever :3 still trying to piece myself together,
that'll take some time, and I also need to make another webpage for the news
webpages thing,,, lol, I can't believe the time went past so quickly this month,
I couldn't get much done, but whatever ig
- Oh right, something to do would be to auto-make the anchor things for the
news webpages, need to use JavaScript in an environment that's supposed
to use the least amount of JS possible (or at least that was the goal
from beginning, I think, who really knows anymore, it doesn't matter),
but whatever, it's not like this JS is even needed for the webpage to show
the text properly, it'll just make it so the links from homepage scroll
to the right entry; we'll see how it goes ^^
2024-09-14 06:08AM
feeling kinda sad
- Also added the entry title things to the homepage in a box thing,
but I'm pretty sure I'll forget how to properly update it again shortly lol
- Still not feeling so well but I'm trying to find out what's been causing me
to feel like this, and I have a feeling I know what it is, even tho it
may sound silly at this time,,,
- Anyway, I set myself some impossible things to do, but I'm not sure
I may be able to do them, we'll see; btw, that's not why I don't feel well,
it's unrelated ^^
- (the reason I don't feel well is because we currently don't have clean water,,,
and for some reason no one can go get more; I'm kinda sick because of dirty water
and it's also cold season so that's not helping, idk about others, I'll go by
myself and possibly catch a cold on the way if no one else wants to go.
or well, that's one of the reasons, there's a few more that
I'm scared even talking about)
- and sk is not around to keep me company, I miss them ;w;
2024-09-13 05:10AM
feeling hopeful maybe
- a weird feeling of not being able to do anything again comes again,,,
instead of doing something useful, I added a menu and a bit more info to the
News/Diary webpages ^^
- Something interesting that I've noticed is that almost all of my webpages
have inconsistent style choices and such, which was not intentional, but is
something I always liked at other websites, where they have webpages from when
they had a completely different style than they have now, I love that stuff;
and I can't believe I managed to do it too without trying too much :3
- Now that I don't have to update the homepage every time with the same text here,
I might have to look into how RSS works again, see if I manage to make it work
in a ukagaka and be able to also show the description (this text), not only
the title (currently just the date and time)
- I don't really know what else happened, so I can't say much,,,
Oh right, I uploaded the windows classic 'theme' colours things to github
a few days ago :3 what's left is to get a windows8.1 OS to test out how the
classic theme can be enabled and make a (mirror) tutorial onto here, so I won't
have to go to a dozen different webpages all with different instructions
- And anyway, other than that, I may still update the homepage every time
with the News entries, but I may just include the title(date and time),
instead of the whole thing; and maybe this time I figure out how to make
the NEW sprite thing actually work again, right
2024-09-03 03:43AM
feeling idk
- In a feeling of severe boredom and loss of meaning, for whatever reason,
I don't know the reasoning behind it but idk; anyway, all that aside, because
of it I decided to write some foundation or something for a new homepage :3
it's under construction, of course, just like everything else is, and I've already
applied it lol, so if you'd like to see what it used to look like before,
you may go to the old homepages or a temporary mirror here
Also, looking through the old homepages, I had one with Frames that I intended
to play music in, lol, I might try and learn how to do that maybe ^^ of course
you'll have the choices between no frames, frames but no music, and frames
but with some kind of music playlist
- 2024-08
- 2024-08-24 07:26AM
- Haven't replaced the homepage yet, sadly,,, I think I have the text for it
but didn't make it into a webpage just yet, maybe soon ^^
Anyway, I found the old homepages in some pretty (un)common ways, through
some random backups lol; one I had from when I hosted from the computer,
one when it was hosted on a different website, one when I had to move the
files around, another one when I made it on the linux command line thing,
and maybe another one when I copied the things for this other website; I may
try to go into better detail the next time because I don't feel so well ;w;
I've also added some small screenshots to the old homepages webpage :3
also this sleepyness issue is bothering me and needs to stop, I wanna do things again,
but I can't do anything useful during the morning (now), the afternoon (later), or the
evening (even later), I _have_ to do them at night because there's less things
for my silly mind to focus on. At night it's dark, and it's only a screen
that makes light, during other times there's so many things that make light
it makes me distracted, and that's no good; not to mention the noise,
most of everything is a lot of sensory-overload and I just can't get anything done ;w;
I have issues, I know; I don't trust myself to be able to work in an
environment with others unless I take a break like every 5 mins or something,
(maybe not even then) ;
if I don't, then I might snap and switch to a personality that is not good
at interaction,,, all these 'issues' are what helps me get through things,
and if I don't have that, then I can't get myself to do anything lol,
you've noticed I slept at the wrong time and so I couldn't do anything, well
that's what I mean,,,
Other than that, I've been out of it ;w; past week felt like months, I've not
been able to get anything done because I've been so sleepy and kept sleeping at
the wrong time, which made me unable to do anything, and it made me sad
because I couldn't do anything, so it made me sleepy, and being sleepy also
made me feel sad, and so on,,, I need to break out of it, I'm so tired ;w;;;
both tired of the sleepyness and of being sleepy; I also had a nightmare and
I really don't wanna sleep at all for a few days, but I know that won't be
possible because if I don't sleep then I can't do anything again, such a pain
- btw, today wasn't written by mura or whatever they're called, I wrote
for them in my way, which could be why it may read a bit differently;
because, as you may have read, mura sad lol, idk when they not, I hope they
stop feeling like that because I don't like seeing them like that xd
- 2024-08-16 06:18AM
- I'll be replacing the homepage again fr this time :3 For this occassion
I'll dig for the previous ones and maybe try to reconstruct a design of one of
the older ones and link to them, maybe also do some screenshots idk
- Unrelated to any of this, I've found some old Windows themes I had used
on an old computer, and I'll upload them to github soon ^^ I'll have to find a way to
screenshot every theme I had done (and will have done; yes, I'll may be
making themes again >w< even tho I can't use them but whatevz,
archiving purposes y'know, I'm all for archiving them just in case whoever
needs them for something, because I may sure need one of them at some point;
the same old NkdP Dark theme is still used in my Wine installation, I'll have to
try and fix the instructions and make them better, I don't know if the
instructions still work as I thought they would,,, maybe just giving the
colours and asking the user to copy it by themselves would be better,
or proving some sort of batch script, I don't know, anyway do I look
like I know what I'm talking about lol, maybe maybe). Also, some of those
old themes also come with a story, I'll try to remember what they are and
why did I make them, it's been quite a while tho so I can't remember everything,
I never can ;w;
- 2024-08-06 05:33AM
- Y'know what, I feel like replacing the home-page again, for like the
third time this year? tbh the current one was supposed to be a placeholder
with not much on it, and navigating it is kinda confusing, so,,, Something
similar to a previous attempt might work I hope ^^
or I might just link everything in a different way, idk, I'll have to see
how others are doing it, because I really don't know what works better ;w;
- Still here-and-there btw, working behind the shadows and hiding atm because it rainy,,,
- 2024-08-03 02:20AM
- Bit of a late update this time, but I added a few (test) webpages,
about how I got to know about Touhou, and how I run some things on Linux;
they're supposed to be continued and contain more info (and moved into another folder,
and also other things to be moved with them), but for now, it'll do ^^
- Other than that, I'm not sure what to say,,, I've not felt up to do
much these days but I'm trying ;w;
- 2024-07
- (2024-07-20 04:20PM)
well then, haven't done much with the Web
Experiments, so I might as well just list
it on the homepage (turn the text that is already there into a link), along with the
guestbook; still need to move the things
around tho, and maybe put the News entries
on homepage into a box again, like the previous homepage, y'know
Other than that, still not feeling so well, I don't know what's up with me
currently, but heh; it's not the lack of things to do, there's a countless number
of things that need to be done by me somehow, it's that I unintentionally sleep
when I'm not supposed to and that makes me miss things that are happening and it makes
me feel bad and it also brings the mood down ;w; I've just noticed the time and
it's nice lol; should've been night, not afternoon, awa I don't like this ;w;;;
Also, the links,,, I've checked a few
websites and they're already gone ;w; I'm still
gonna keep them listed there as is, and I'm not sure if I'll bother writing descriptions
for most of them (I found some while looking for something else and decided to
still write their names because they're cool :3 )
oh and btw, not related to any of this, I'm going to release a few more
writings, about how I got to know of Touhou (I can't remember exactly tbh,
there's a lot of factors involved, and it's also been quite some time) and some
of my thoughts for a few games that have been in an old wishlist webpage of mine
(originally made for me to learn about JSON and it worked out pretty well)
There's no webpages for these yet tho, it's only text ;w;
- 2024-07-06 10:45AM
- No update for quite a few days I see,,, I'm sorry I've been inactive ;w;
During this downtime there were days in which I didn't have power or wi-fi at all,
so there was not much I could do; and also I didn't feel that well, but that
doesn't matter much. Continuing from previous news, I've added the guestbook, that I'm not sure will stay there, but we'll see ^^ I've not
added it as a menu-item yet, but maybe soon ^^
Soon I also have to remake the index webpage from this website again,,,
- Also have done web experiments, that I'll link once I make them better,
because currently they're all over the place ;w; if you still wanna see the webpage anyway,
and if you know where the old website is, go to the web experiments webpage on the old one,
and change the domain address with the one of this website; if that's
difficult to understand (don't worry, I get it ;w;;; ), I'll link to it soon, dw dw ^^
- In other news, idk tbh, you tell me ;w; I have a short memory, I can't
even remember what I did the other day,,,
- lateredit: ohh, that is, I remember now :3 I replaced some backgrounds here
with the starry one ^^ looks better imo, soon I'll have to make some javascript
thing to switch between them somehow, figure out how localstorage or cookies work
because I don't even know where to begin lol;;
anyway, other than that, I've also
added some links to ~the other websites(!)~, but the webpage(s) for them are
currently inaccessible,,, it's basically just text with the URLs, no links (yet)
- btw, I'm looking for ideas for how to do the menu thing ;w; I've added some
boldness to the links, because with all the colours around you can't tell
what is what, lol (in a way, that's the point, but still), but I'm still not sure
if it's good enough,,, Should I try my hand at making some images for them? idk ;w;
- Also, ohh right, I have to make a new webpage for the news thing,,, let's see
if I can remember how; I also have to make that news webpage thing better, or
at least the webpage with the entries,,, soonTM
- also also, I've seen on another website they put a character fixed at the
bottom left of the page, so I did the same but at the bottom right :3 I also
made sure to make extra space below it in case the screen width is too small
and it can get in the way (see, unlike others (not the website I'm refering to,
I remember they had plenty of white-space) who put things in the way that even
the show-button _hides_ things behind it and you can't get rid of it, I make it
so there's space)
there was another website that made some thing appear
on screen at random, but I don't wanna do that, it's annoying ;w;
another website has a stupid thing that follows the cursor and it's very annoying
especially if it's on a link you wanna click on,,, sometimes it makes me wonder if
peeps not making their own homepages is a good thing; nowadays you have
everything looks the same and it's not good, but at the same time,
everything looks the same and it's good because you know what to expect;
idk what I'm saying, am rambling lol, it's my website and I allow myself :3
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